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By Stephanie Iwuaba. Somehow reality just hit me this week! I don’t look so good in tight fitting clothes anymore and that kills me! I used to look good in all my pictures and clothes from all angles but now, I have to squeeze and suck to get into a good outfit or get a good picture. So I am done! I went into serious research today for ways to not only have my clothes-loving body back but to also take control of my health! Because really, what’s a good outfit with a bloated face and a pooch? Here is what I found that I believe will help you keep your sexiness hot!   – Cut down on your stress! Stress is the enemy! It sends messages to the brain that releases stress controlling hormones into the body; this in turn makes the body secrete fat around the waist to help your body fight the stress. Then voila! Hello to your pooch! A good way to get rid of the stress is to listen to music, take walks, spend time with your family, children mostly (because we both know that adults can increase our stress levels with their many dramas!), go to the beach or take a vacation. Just do anything that takes your mind off whatever is stressing you. We spend a lot of time stressing about life that we forget to live life. Take time off! And, the best stress manager? Exercise!   – Exercise! Now that’s not a new one but as popular as it is, it’s the hardest to start and keep up. Our metabolism slows seriously down as we hit the 25 year mark. And unfortunately that’s when we have a car (no more walks to the bus station), get that office job (more fast food during those sitting work hours), party less (because no matter how much of a party freak we are, there is just too many responsibilities to be at a club every single night) and generally relax into a routine that doesn’t help us burn as much calories as we take in. So against age and all these listed set-backs our abs and arms starts taking a trashing. I say exercise! My new health fitness plan says at least 30 minutes of cardio five times a week. I just got my Brazilian Butt Lift workout CD (you can get any work out CD of your choice). It had me huffing, puffing and sweating. Very good! Just like Nike’s new T-shirts “Once you are sweating, you are alive”. Just in case a good gym membership isn’t your thing, workout CDs are a great way to keep the sweat flowing and your recommended cardio.   – Eat fist sized portions. The actual size of a stomach is very small but elastic. So what happens is we eat very large portions and expand the stomach lining and the result? That ugly pooch in your dress! Eat small portions five times a day consisting of breakfast, lunch and dinner and HEALTHY snacks in between. Not only does the frequent eating speed up your metabolism, the small portion make sure your stomach lining retract and possibly to its original size.   – Eat routinely. The body is a machine with all the different parts and organs. Like every good machine, everything works together for the best performance. But once something goes wrong, the whole system falls apart. So eating whenever you like messes the whole body system up. What happens is the brain begins to send wrong signals to the body because it doesn’t know when you are hungry anymore, that results in more eating and gaining more weight. It’s hard to eat like clockwork but nothing good is easy, right? Set an eating plan for your body. It helps a lot. Please don’t ever starve yourself for a long time. Never! First your brain feels the hunger and sends signals to the body to store up fat to protect you from the effects of starvation. Then the slightest chance you get at food, you will eat big and that will slow down your metabolism leading to a bigger pooch. It doesn’t work, so eat small at regulated timing.   – Know what you eat. First your body needs about 2000 calories a day and if you are working out, you will burn it. That being said, you can have chocolates and sweets just know the amount of calories in them and work them around your meals. Each major meal of the day should not exceed 700 calories and when you have snacks, I suggest low fat snacks. You might also want to start eating anti-oxidants like fruits with colors like red apples, mangos, grapes etc. Eat whole grains like wheat etc. Know what you eat and be in control of your body.   – Ardyss Body Reshaper is a fashion must have! Not only do you instantly lose four belt sizes, this body magic helps you reshape your body. You immediately look great in your dress and it helps your body look good with time. Now, I just got mine and I can’t start singing its praises just yet but the reviews I have on them are just amazing. So fitting into that sheath-like dress shouldn’t pose a threat to your royal sexiness anymore, especially if you just offloaded your little bundle of joy. Here is a picture of what it looks like below. There you have it, my secret weapon to getting my body back because I refuse to look bad in my tight fitting dresses!    
About the Author Stephanie Iwuaba is a fashion blogger and designer from Lagos, Nigeria currently living in San Diego, USA. She has always had a flare for fashion and is constantly addicted to learning new fashion tricks and trends. She has successfully started her clothing line ‘Goshtibles’ in the USA and is committed to helping others discover the secrets to constantly looking flawlessly fabulous. Stephanie is inspired by renowned fashion diva, Kimore Lee Simmons for her fashion trend setting and more importantly for her business prowess. You can follow Stephanie’s group Trendstarters’ Lounge on Facebook for different new and exciting fashion trends. 

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This article was first published on 11th July 2012 and updated on July 12th, 2012 at 9:28 pm

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