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Live streaming has made the rounds on social networking platforms like Instagram and Facebook and has gained much traction with users. Twitter has just recently made the feature available on their mobile platform. Previously, Live video broadcasts were peculiar to the Twitter-owned Periscope app, but what Twitter has now integrated Periscope’s live video feature right into the Twitter app.

You can begin a live video broadcast on Twitter by clicking on the compose button, tap on the camera icon, click on LIVE, put up a quick caption and you are ready to GO LIVE. You can still see the Periscope logo on the LIVE button because the feature is backed by Periscope.

The Twitter LIVE video broadcast is not restricted to just Twitter viewers, but people on Periscope can also join your live video and share in your experience. People can react to the broadcast by sending hearts or posting comments. LIVE VIDEO feeds have a ‘LIVE’ tag on them that helps differentiate them from other multimedia content.

Live video has proven to be a very engaging way of sharing wonderful moments with friends and family, and the feature will only make the Twitter experience richer and more immersive.

The feature is available to all Android and iOS users who have installed the latest version of the Twitter mobile app. You also need the Periscope app to use the feature.

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This article was first published on 18th December 2016
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Tobenna is a writer, programmer and musician who is passionate about God, tech, and music. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook by clicking the icons below.

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