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The world has gone through many changes and so has the woman. The woman’s burden in recent times struts through the stratosphere of cultural influences all over the world.  Culture sits at the heart of everything a woman aspires to be within her orbit. Oftentimes, the culture is reprehensible enough to clog all wheels of human progress. In Africa, the culture often promotes inequality. If a man dies, the woman is often always made the culprit. In some parts of Africa, she is made to drink the water used to clean up the man’s corpse. But if the woman dies, then it is of natural causes. In Nigeria, a woman is believed to be atypical if she fails to get married at a certain age. They make a case out of this and compose all sorts of references to support this retarded philosophy. Her freedom is not even guaranteed after she gets married, as a new set of rules await her across the marital fence. This time, she is expected to have a male child or face the wrath of society. She lives her entire life trying to meet societal expectations and her innermost emotional desires are left unattended. There was a time when it was a grave offence to rape a girl. Today, the story is different. These days, a rape victim cries to the high heavens for want of justice. She verily becomes a subject of mockery once she lets out her pain to a third party. The law yearns for compelling evidence with an unequivocal nexus linking the accused person to the said crime. This pool of evidence is rarely ever acquired and the victim is left in utter distress. The culprit walks around freely for no reason other than for the obvious fact that he is a man. There is another: the official gender abuse in the workplace. Now, this is even more serious because sexual harassment in corporate organizations has grown into an undesirable beast militating against the social well-being of the women folk. I believe in the woman. The world revolves around a woman’s feet – which brings succour to the earth.  The earth’s achievements came through the strength of a woman’s shoulders. In her pain, the world found its joy and with her struggles, the fate of existence came through, blessed by her voice. The world found its name through the vintage of love shared by the woman. The human race is yet to come to terms with these truths but the world wants the woman back. It is our responsibility to uphold and respect women. The growth of most civilized economies sprout forth through this conscious effort. We won’t progress by entrenching inequalities at the detriment of women. The lawmakers must bring this solemn issue into legislative enactment just as we have it in the west. We must stop gender abuse in order to put our society under decent prospect. I believe in the woman. Do you believe?       About the Writer: Evans Ufeli is a lawyer and the author of acclaimed novel, ‘Without Face’. He is also an Alumni member of the Writers Bureau, Manchester, a highly sought-after conference speaker with a passion for the concept of change. He lives in Victoria Island, Lagos. You can contact him via Facebook: Evans Ufeli, Email:, Twitter: @Evansufeli and Phone: 08037712353. He blogs at  

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This article was first published on 4th May 2015 and updated on May 7th, 2015 at 2:58 pm

Comments (1)

One thought on “Important Truths About Women You Should Know”

  • Wow! Wot a writeup from King of pen (Evans Ufeli). I do hope men out there sees it the way u tabled it. God bless u,EVANS and every woman out there. Yes, I am proud to b a WOMAN!!!

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