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Can you read someone’s personality from his/her handwriting? Yes, this is very possible with the help of a modern science called Graphology. Graphology is the analysis of a person’s handwriting to identify his psychological state. It’s a very useful tool in most modern societies in the developed world. Some organizations actually hire graphologists to study the handwriting of answers given on interview day, just to find out what’s going on in the mind of the applicant. It’s certainly an interesting concept and something worth pursuing for fun and possibly as an added professional skill. The science itself is slightly controversial with many questioning its true accuracy. We’ll let you be the judge by analyzing your handwriting with the graphology theories below:   Size Small font: Shy, meticulous, studious, an academic. Large font: Loves attention, is people oriented and extroverted. Average sized font: Well adjusted.   Slant Left slanted: Reserved, emotional. Right Slanted: Responds to communication. Upright: Independent.   Pressure Heavy: Very committed, serious minded. Extremely heavy: uptight, reacts quickly to criticism. Light: Shows empathy to people.   Spacing between words Narrow: Doesn’t like being alone. Wide: Doesn’t like crowds, loner.   Do you agree with these theories? Share this article with friends and loved ones this weekend, let’s have fun while we learn. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.     About the Writer: Ify Halim is a young Creative and a promoter of values through the force that is writing. Follow her on twitter: @MissHalim

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This article was first published on 24th April 2015

Comments (2)

2 thoughts on “How to Read Personalities from Handwriting Styles”

  • The last point (Spacing between words) is very true. I put wide space between words and truly; I don’t like crowds. Thanks for the information.

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