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  Graduate trainee programs have become fairly common with companies in Nigeria. That’s because they help corporate organizations accomplish several things at once. Chief among these is the training of a pool of talent, from which they may recruit full-time employees. Another is the fact that these trainings equip participants with skills that enable them to excel elsewhere, even if they aren’t employed by the training company at the end of the program. This allows such companies to cast themselves as contributing to the employability of the country’s youth.
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If you’ve been accepted into a graduate trainee program at an organization in Nigeria, you’re probably excited about the opportunity to learn and work in your company of choice. But, at the back of your mind, you may have questions about how to maximize this opportunity—how to make it a steppingstone to future career successes. In this article, we’ll share some tips with you about getting the most out of such an experience. Here they are:

Learn the Relevant Stuff and More

The stated goal for most programs of this kind is to help trainees with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in their chosen careers. If you are going to get the best out of your program, you will have to learn all that you can from it. This requires that you pay close attention to lessons, whether in taught sessions or at practical exercises and tasks. Don’t stop at picking up skillsets and industry insights. Find out all you can about how the company works, and how the role you’re training for fits into that grand picture. This grasp of things might come in handy at various points in the future.

Ask Questions

A great way to learn is to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to seek clarification when there’s something you don’t fully understand. This might be about things said by an instructor at a learning session, the details of the tasks you’re assigned, or some technical matter. It could also concern mundane things which are related to your experience at the company. If you ask smart questions that elicit important answers from your trainers, they will likely recognize and appreciate you for it. And it will make your learning easier.

Build Relationships

The corporate world thrives on relationships. The success of your career will be at least just as dependent on the sort of working connections you build as it will be on your hard work. So, don’t ignore your peers and superiors. Seek to communicate with them while at work, and don’t pass up the chance to meet up after office hours (if it’s convenient). Racking up a few good contacts while doing your job could yield you a decent return soon, in the form of valuable advice, referrals, and recommendations.
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Complete Tasks Diligently

If there’s one thing your trainers will note about you, it’s your attitude to work. They are usually going to hire the more hardworking candidates, so that’s what they’ll be watching out for. You will make a good impression if you are fully dedicated to completing the tasks you are assigned well within deadlines, and to the best of your ability. Yes, joviality and courtesy may help to improve your recruiter’s perception of you, especially in a culture such as Nigeria’s. But so does your diligence.

Aim for Sustained Improvement

Your mentors and coaches want to see that you’re making progress with your learning. See to it that this is the case. Where possible, work on tasks that will help you sharpen your skills. Your goal should be to grow more efficient at your job with each new assignment. This means getting more done better, and faster. Your increased efficiency and effectiveness will put you in the good books of your trainers and may place you in pole position for a full-time role or a decent referral at the end of the graduate trainee program.

Share Your Knowledge

Don’t be afraid to share information that you think may help your peers or even full-time staff. Do this often enough, and they’ll come to recognize you as a go-to person for valuable insights. This will do at least two things for you. First, it will improve your standing among them. Also, it may place you in a pole position for greater opportunities later on.

Keep in Touch After the Program

Make sure to stay in touch with the people at your training company after the graduate trainee programs have ended. It’s a good way to show that you care about them as people, and not just as temporary colleagues or teachers. Catch up on how the company is faring, and what everyone is up to. This is how you sustain the relationships you began to build as a trainee.
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Final Words

If you’ve recently completed tertiary education, graduate trainee programs offer you a chance to learn to work in a corporate environment. It might seem wonderful to be accepted into one of them. But many go into such programs ill-prepared, and as a result, fail to reap the benefits that they confer. You can avoid falling into this category by following the tips we’ve discussed here.
Featured Image Source: Kenctad News
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This article was first published on 14th October 2024


Ikenna Nwachukwu holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He loves to look at the world through multiple lenses- economic, political, religious and philosophical- and to write about what he observes in a witty, yet reflective style.

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