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For those who are not aware, popular Agbalumo(Yoruba) or Udara(Igbo), is back in season. Otherwise called African Star Apple or African Cherry, this fruit is loaded with many health benefits. These fleshy and juicy fruits, which are popularly eaten, are the potential source of a soft drink. The fruits are also suitable for the production of fruit jams and jellies. It is commonly known as “Agbalumo” or “Osan” (Yoruba) or “Udala” (Igbo) in the local languages. Its fruit which is pale yellow with pink coloured inside is relished by both children and adults when in season. Its fully ripe fruit becomes available from January through March in the Southwestern part of Nigeria. The pink-coloured pulp and the whitish cover of the brown-coloured seeds of the fruit are consumed, while the back when empty, is discarded.

Health Benefits of Agbalumo:

It contains low calories: If you are on a diet, I strongly recommend this fruit, as a portion of this apple contains only 67 calories. The seeds contain hypolipidemic(lipids lowering) properties, this is why it is used in the preparation of herbal medicines that help lower blood cholesterol level. African Star Apple regulates the Blood Sugar Level: The fruit is necessary for regulating blood sugar level Also, it has low carbohydrate content, this may be responsible for its lack of sugary taste.  Its leaves can be used in treating diabetes and also infused. It is essential for lowering high blood sugar level as it possesses anti-hyperglycemic properties. Agbalumo takes care of diseases: The pulp may be a good source of dietary fibre, as it meets part of the recommended dietary fibre requirement of between 15 and 20g needed for prevention of nutritionally related diseases such as obesity, lowering of blood sugar and serum cholesterol, as well as cell growth and differentiation resulting into cancer. It can be used as a moisturizer: Are you aware that this fruit can work as an ointment or soothing moisturizer for treating dry skin and skin itches? Now you know. The leaves from this plant can be squeezed and use for the purpose. Also, the seeds can be used for treating dermatological infections and also vaginal infections. African Star Apple can be used for treating of wounds and healing: You can apply it on wounds, cuts, sprains and bruises for quick healing especially the leaves, roots and barks of the fruit tree. Its seeds extracts can be used in seizing bleeding from fresh cuts and wounds, which can help speed up the healing process of the injury. It aids digestion: The amount of crude fibre may influence the digestibility of the fruit, and may also help to maintain the normal internal enlargement of the intestinal tract and thus aid peristaltic movements. It also helps prevent bloating and constipation It helps in developing strong bones and teeth: The fruit contains calcium and zinc, needed for proper growth and maintenance of cell integrity.

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This article was first published on 16th January 2018


Adepeju Adenuga is a writer (considering where you are reading this, makes perfect sense). She holds a Masters Degree in Literature in English from the University of Lagos.

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