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Almost every activity you carry out can tell on your posture if not done the right way.  Maintaining posture ensures keeping the back in a straight position when carrying out daily activities to avoid twisting or bending the backbone. However, most of us do not really pay attention to posture while working and this contributes to the reasons why damaged posture occurs usually over a long period of time. Experts believe that there is a posture for everything you do, from sitting to walking, standing, running and all other activities. However, some of the most common habits that ruin your posture are:

1. Sitting with your back bent: Proper sitting posture should be straight with the body inclined upward and not backward. Sitting down wrongly is one of the major causes of bad posture because it directly affects the backbone which tends to bend in the direction the back is bent. To maintain proper sitting posture, the back should rest directly on the back rest of the chair. Sitting properly can directly improve your posture and straighten your back.

2. Carrying load with one shoulder: Constantly carrying your bag or load on a particular shoulder can alter your posture. This is because the shoulder will be inclined to one side as a result of the pressure being put on it, thereby bending your posture. When carrying load or bags, ensure that you periodically transfer the load from one arm to the other so as to avoid putting too much weight on one.

3. Looking down while walking: Some people tend to look at the floor while walking and this makes them slouch. Drooping of the head will invariably ruin your posture over time unless you change that habit. Instead of always looking down, endeavor to look ahead and keep your back as straight as possible when walking so that you can maintain a good posture.

4. Bending: When picking things up or exercising by doing squats, it is important to remember that you should bend the knees instead of your back. This will keep your back safe from injury and ensure that it maintains its straight position. Bending your knees is a safe alternative to bending your back every time.

5. Carrying heavy backpacks: Experts have found out that the load you carry on your back should not be more than 20% of your total body weight. If you need to carry a lot of load every day, ensure that you divide them into smaller packages that can be easier to carry so that they do not put unnecessary pressure on your backbone.

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This article was first published on 13th November 2016


Opoola Jelifat is a young and passionate writer. She holds a B.Sc degree in Microbiology and enjoys reading, cooking and writing on real life issues. She is currently pursuing a Masters degree at the University of Ibadan. Contact her on, and via Twitter and facebook by clicking the icons below.

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