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Losing weight is not easy. It requires a near super-human level of commitment and dedication. But you don’t need to completely overhaul your eating and exercise habits to get results. You can shed pounds effectively by making a few low-effort, high-impact changes.
“I’m a huge believer in meeting people where they are when it comes to weight loss.”
Here, seven simple changes that can help you reach your wellness goals:

1. Prioritize protein at breakfast

Instead of eating a sugary breakfast or skipping your morning meal entirely, eat something with at least 20 grams of protein. A low-glycemic, protein-packed breakfast doesn’t just help keep you full, it can also increase your energy levels. Research shows that eating more protein can help prevent muscle loss as we age, which supports our metabolism.

2. Incorporate high intensity workouts

All exercise requires effort, but there are some workouts that can help you accomplish more in a short amount of time. Research shows high-intensity exercise (short bouts of max-effort intervals), for instance, burns more calories than steady-state exercise performed for the same amount of time. Examples of good high-intensity workouts include short running intervals, hill repeats and strength circuits that involve exercises like squats, kettlebell swings, plyometrics and pushups. You can use your heart rate to determine how much effort you’re putting forth. For a high-intensity workout, you’ll want to be at 70-80% of your maximum heart rate, which you can calculate by subtracting your age from 220.

3. Keep an eating schedule

Weight loss isn’t just about what you eat — it’s also about when you consume your calories. Eating in alignment with your circadian rhythm, may help with weight loss. That means eating breakfast — say within 2 hours of waking — and stopping your food intake several hours before bed. Establishing a meal schedule ensures you stay fueled throughout the day, while helping prevent late-night snacking.

4. Drink more water

Our bodies often confuse hunger, thirst and fatigue. Instead of tearing into a bag of tortilla chips when you get the urge to snack, try drinking a glass of water first. Quenching your thirst can help you avoid overeating. In one study, overweight people who drank two glasses of water before their meals every day for three months lost an average of 2.6 more pounds than people who didn’t hydrate prior to eating. To stay hydrated throughout the day, carry a reusable water bottle with you or set a timer every hour as a reminder to consume a glass.

5. Walk for 30 minutes every day

Something low-impact that you can do every day is to walk 30 minutes at a fast pace. Think: Walk at the pace you use when you’re rushing through an airport terminal to make your flight. Try turning your work commute into walking time or breaking your walk into smaller chunks after your meals. In one study, Type 2 diabetes patients who walked after each of their three meals experienced greater weight loss than participants who exercised once a day for the same amount of time.

6. Add seeds to your diet

Like protein, fiber is another nutrient that can help promote satiety. Women should try to consume 25 grams of fiber per day, and men should aim for 35 grams. To get enough, try adding chia seeds and ground flaxseeds to your yogurt, smoothies and salads. This keeps you full longer. Other good fiber-rich snacks include edamame, almonds and avocado.

7. Reorganize your plate

Changing the way you load your plate can help you fuel up on healthier foods, score more nutrients and prevent overeating. Aim for half your food volume at each meal to come from fruits and veggies. By increasing the amount of non-starchy veggies you eat, you will likely not have room for larger portions of meat and starch. The rest of your plate should be 1/4 protein (20–30 grams), and 1/4 carbs. Don’t be afraid of good carbs — we need them for energy, fiber and the many essential nutrients they contain. Try to stick to whole grains. Foods like quinoa, whole-wheat bread and brown rice have more nutrients than their refined counterparts, and may help regulate your blood sugar better, which can prevent appetite swings.

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This article was first published on 2nd November 2018 and updated on November 5th, 2018 at 10:29 am


Bella is a UK certified fitness junkie with over 15 years experience, who’s passionate about being an inspiration to others by helping people lead stronger, more active lives. She is a Lifestyle & Weight Management specialist with emphasis on weight programs, HIIT and Bootcamp training at BFIT FITNESS ACADEMY. Bella is also a practicing lawyer.

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