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Nigeria is facing a very serious energy crisis that has led to the petrol stations being empty of fuel. With only 5 out of 23 power plants functioning in the country, the problem is on such a huge scale that operations in major telecommunications companies, banks and radio stations were affected some days ago. I don’t want to think about the impact it had on medical care in the last few days: babies in incubators, patients in Intensive Care Unit, surgical procedures etc. These scenerios are better left imagined. These widespread power cuts due to this energy crisis are drastically affecting not only businesses and the healthcare sector in Nigeria but education as well. Ahmed Idris, a reporter from Al Jazeera, informed us about the situation in Nigeria, saying that because of power cuts and lack of electricity at homes and schools, the students had to make the best use of available resources, considering that their end-of-year examinations were just around the corner. Al Jazeera reporters found some students studying under streetlamps on a highway because they did not have electricity at home. It is sad that even in this very modern and technologically advanced world, students do not have the very basic resources. While the students could study for the theoretical part, they were at a loss about what to do regarding practical computer examinations without electricity. It is no surprise then that the level of education and the students’ grades have been falling. Obviously lack of such basic utilities will negatively affect the quality of education as well as research. The lecturers cannot even blame the students for it since it is clearly not their fault. While students around the world face challenges during college due to a number of reasons such as being away from home and having to make new friends, their issues are much easier to resolve. Here in Nigeria, neither the parents nor the teachers can really help the students. It is hoped that the new Nigerian government, to be sworn in soon, will find a permanent solution to the problem, and create an enabling environment for our future leaders to grow.           About the Writer: Zyana Morris is a passionate blogger who loves to write on topics related to health and lifestyle.

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This article was first published on 28th May 2015

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