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Beyond and beneath the sophistication of a premium lace gown, a pair of fitting jeans or an executive corporate two-piece suit, lies a lady’s need to be covered by the most body-friendly wear.

Lightweight cotton is considered healthy because, unlike other synthetic materials, they are able to allow aeration and do not trap moisture and heat. Cotton is made from cotton plants. They are one of the most comfortable fabrics one can wear and this is one reason most babies clothing are 100% cotton. Because they are breathable and absorbent, an underwear made of cotton is a lady’s safest as they do not allow conditions favourable for the growth and multiplication of yeast.

Sensuous luxurious silk from silkworms is another fabric to reckon with. Before going to sleep, silk pillow cases or silk scarves are recommended for covering the hair. This is because silk is soft and smooth and thus reduces the chances of hair ends splitting as a result of friction. In addition to being a hair cover and its characteristic feminine allure, silk night wears and beddings are preferred because silk can resist changes in temperature and mould. This makes it able for anyone to be kept warm during cold season or cool when the weather is warm. Mildews and dust mites are frequently trapped by other types of material especially during the rainy season. When there is moisture in the atmosphere, it encourages the growth of mould on fabric.

Linen is another material that is friendly to the skin. The fabric feels cool, is very absorbent of moisture, durable, inelastic, and greatly regulates temperature. Its absorbent property makes it suitable for bed clothes.  Most linen apparels are free and comfy to wear because they do not stretch. It is made from the flax plant.

One common characteristic, cotton, silk and linen have is that they are made from natural fibre. But, not all natural fibres are without their cons. Some people, for example, are allergic to wool with allergies ranging from mild itchiness to sores (I have a cousin who reacts very badly to wool). This is not to say that cotton, silk and linen might not have minuses, but they are healthiest for one’s skin and make an excellent home and casual wears. Tight-fitting, synthetic and chemically treated clothes should be worn as occasionally as possible. Bear in mind that the way to take care of the skin is to keep it comfortable.


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This article was first published on 2nd August 2017 and updated on December 10th, 2019 at 8:23 pm


Nnenna is an editor and writer at Connect Nigeria. She loves fine art, books and places.

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