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Mallam Mukhtar Gulma, the school teacher who sacrificed his life for his students in Federal government College Birnin Yauri, Kebbi state, is a hero by whatever standard you may want to choose or whatever definition you might like to adopt. A normal man with a sign of beyond normal courage, Mallam Mukhtar Gulma will be remembered as the teacher that took himself to the bandits stating that the bandits should either release his students or take him along with his students which the bandits did. A man who was and is prepared to die for the sake of his pupils. He is worthy of emulation any day, any time, and anywhere in the world. He did what the toughest people in history cannot do. Only men of courage and faith can boldly do what he did. How else can you explain that a school teacher had the guts to trace the bandits‘ hide-out and demanded the immediate release of his students or take him in custody.
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Mallam Mukhtar Gulma: A Walk within the Lion’s Den A few days ago, the teacher and his 30 students were released after spending days with their captors with more stories to share than the ear can possibly hear, Mallam Mukhtar Gulma should be given a mention with esteem and gratitude. A memorial should be made in the future in his name, and an award for bravery and courage should not just be given to him but should be immortalized in years to come by his state and a national honour should be given to such a man.
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Needless to say, all those accolades are still way below what he truly deserves with such a heart underneath a black pound of flesh. When books are written about courageous people and songs are sung; when art is made and models are designed, Mallam Mukhtar Gulma’s name should be given a worthy mention with esteem and gratitude. He is worthy of emulation any day, any time, and anywhere in the world. He did what the toughest people in history cannot do. Only men of courage and faith can boldly do what he did. Mallam Mukthar Gulma’s rare courage needs to go viral in all our media outfits. It is a lesson of sacrifice to be taught to our children and the coming generation References: Featured image: 9News Nigeria
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This article was first published on 5th February 2022
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Jeremiah is a scholar and a poet. He has a keen eye for studying the world and is passionate about people. He tweets at @jeremiahaluwong.

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