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Easy Taxi has launched a new version of its mobile app that is integrated into Microsoft’s popular email solution, Outlook.
The new mobile app, Easy Taxi for Outlook enables users to request a taxi within their Outlook email account when reminded of a calendar-saved event, thereby offering users other options of booking for a taxi.
The new solution, which allows users to schedule a taxi by simply setting up a notification that will be sent within Outlook, is aimed at optimizing the user’s arrival time to meetings, events, lunches, and other commitments.
Dennis Wang, Global co-chief executive officer (CEO) of Easy Taxi said, “We want to offer more and more convenience and practicality to our users. During office hours, Outlook already notifies the person of a meeting through a reminder, now in the same Calendar tool the person can request a taxi. It’s extremely simple!”
The Easy Taxi app is available for Android, iOS and Windows Phone devices, as well as for B2B clients through Easy Taxi PRO and Easy Taxi Corporate solutions

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This article was first published on 25th September 2015


Ejura Salihu is an Anatomist, Writer and Editor. She is currently the Editor-in-chief for Connect Nigeria. You can contact her via email: or follow her on twitter @icyquin_msc

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