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  Mondays bring the opportunity for a fresh start to the work week. However, digital distractions could be to blame if you are drained, unfocused, and lacking creativity right from the get-go. We are constantly inundated with notifications, emails, social media updates, and other digital inputs vying for our attention. This nonstop flood of information overloads our brains, making it extremely difficult to disconnect, recharge, and tap into our innovative thinking skills. That’s why implementing a “digital detox” at the start of each week helps to reduce mental clutter and realign your creative energy.
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Minimizing screen time and online distractions, you’ll be amazed at how much more present, inspired, and productive you can feel. If you’re ready to kick off your workweek with a rejuvenated mindset, here are some helpful strategies for a successful digital detox:
  • Disable Notifications

Those endless pings, dings, and pop-ups from apps, email, and social accounts act like permanent distractions, pulling your focus away from the tasks at hand. Disable all notifications – both audio and visual – while you’re trying to work creatively. Consider going a step further by turning on Do Not Disturb modes to avoid disruptions entirely. You can check messages and catch up on notifications during designated break times instead.
  • Limit Email Checking

For many of us, it’s tempting to impulsively check emails constantly throughout the day out of habit (or anxiety over missing something important). However, this ritualistic email checking zaps creativity by keeping you stuck in a reactive mindset. Dedicate specific blocks of time for checking and replying to emails, like first thing in the morning and mid-afternoon. Close your email client completely during other hours so you can focus without disruptions.
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  • Temporarily Restrict Apps and Sites

Identify the apps, websites, games or other online time-wasters that tend to derail your concentration and productivity. Then use website blocker apps like Freedom or Cold Turkey to temporarily restrict your access to these digital distractions. You can set custom block lists for specific times or schedules, ensuring you won’t be tempted to mindlessly scroll social media, shop online, or browse entertainment sites when you need to be in the creative zone.
  • Practice Intentional Singletasking

Our brains are not designed for multitasking across multiple digital inputs simultaneously. Context switching between tasks and information streams is mentally taxing and detrimental to focused work. Practice singletasking by closing unnecessary tabs, apps, and programs, silencing phone notifications, and engaging fully with one task, project, or goal at a time. This intentional focus nurtures deeper creative immersion.
  • Schedule Digital Detox Periods

Beyond piecemeal tactics for minimizing distractions, you may find it most beneficial to schedule recurring “digital detox” periods where you completely unplug from technology. For example, consider observing a digital-free morning routine with no screens before noon each Monday. Or step away from devices for an hour after lunch to recharge your creativity. These scheduled tech breaks help you reset.
  • Plan Analog Activities

Look for simple ways to replace digital activities with analogue, tech-free ones that inherently require more presence and creative engagement. This could involve reading physical books or journals, taking a walk outdoors, practising mindfulness, working with your hands on a hobby, or other favourite analogue pursuits. Disconnecting from screens puts you in a creative mindset fueled by imagination rather than digital inputs and stimulation. Breakthroughs often arise during these tech-free moments.
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Final Thoughts

The ultimate goal of a digital detox is to declutter your mind from the ambient online noise that can drain creative thinking skills. With a little discipline to control device usage, you can improve focus, productivity, and cognitive performance. Kick off your Monday feeling refreshed and ready to tackle challenges with ingenuity and innovative thinking – all through the magic of some much-needed screen-free time. Start this weekly detox tradition to continually recharge your creativity!
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This article was first published on 10th June 2024


Chidiogo Shalom Akaelu holds a degree in English and Literary Studies, from the University of Nigeria. She is a freelance writer, editor and founder of Loana Press, a budding online publishing outlet.

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