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If you are an extrovert, the COVID-19 outbreak may be making you realise how much you have taken your social life for granted.

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The lockdown has left many extroverts yearning for company and the joy that comes with living itself. While introverts draw their energy from within, extroverts draw it from people. This makes the lockdown a dreadful time for extroverts. 

This does not have to be the case for you. You should see this as an opportunity to create meaning in your life and perhaps meet yourself. 

We suggest some ways in which extroverts can cope during the lockdown without feeling overwhelmed. 

Keep Your Momentum Going

That may mean waking up early to work out in the morning and putting on your office wear (or something other than your pyjamas). Get ready for the day as you normally would if you were going to work. Create a workspace that you feel comfortable working in. This will allow you to adapt to the change of having to stay at home all day. 

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Learn A New Skill

It may sound overhyped. But there are a variety of short courses you can take to get busy while on the lockdown. These days, the internet is full of engaging MOOCs e.g. a short course on public speaking, language, writing, leadership, etc. The more you learn, the higher your feeling of accomplishment.

Take An Extrovert Break

Extroverts need their extrovert breaks just as much as introverts need their introvert breaks. While platforms like Zoom, Facetime, Google Hangouts, etc, can be great tools in a time like this, they do not satisfy that yearning extroverts feel for a physical community. Creating time in the day for 10 to 15 minutes walks around your neighborhood will do you a lot of favours. You could meet up with neighbours for chats as long as you remember to keep a safe distance of six feet. These conversations help to recharge your extrovert energy and make you feel alive again.

Engage In Some Self Reflection 

Extroverts may thrive on social interaction but they also need to take breaks like everyone else. Staying off Zoom calls, facetime, screen time, and other forms of technology is beneficial. Meditation, journaling, or reading are all great ways to unwind from the constant noise and engage in some self-reflection. This prevents energy burnout and is a great way to gain clarity on several aspects of your life. 

Featured Image Source: Dreams Time

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This article was first published on 19th April 2020


My name is Samuel Okoruwa. I am an ardent researcher, reading is life and writing is fun.

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