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  Applications are currently open for the “Let’s Build, Africa” Program, powered by CcHub. “Let’s Build, Africa” represents a strategic initiative geared towards bolstering startups poised for cross-border expansion yet needing strategic guidance to navigate new markets. CcHUB says this program is dedicated to nurturing economic integration and innovation throughout the continent.
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Program Objectives

  • Facilitate Cross-Border Expansion: Offer startups insights and access to new markets across Africa.
  • Strengthen Intercontinental Ties: Cultivate collaboration and investment opportunities between startups and local stakeholders in targeted markets.
  • Boost Economic Integration: Contribute to the economic integration of Africa by facilitating market access for innovative businesses.

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Eligibility Criteria

  • The startup must be registered in an African country.
  • At least one founder must be an African national.
  • The startup should be at the scale-up stage.

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Components of the Program

  • Call for Applications and Selection: Startups are encouraged to apply, emphasizing readiness for market expansion and adaptable solutions.
  • Pitch Sessions: Selected startups refine their business models and receive feedback through pitch events.
  • Ecosystem Tours: Participating startups embark on facilitated tours in key markets like Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, and Namibia.
  • Product Showcases: Startups present their products to a curated audience of collaborators, investors, and potential customers.
  • Market Linkages and Support: Over six months, startups receive ongoing support from CcHUB’s team to establish and fortify market connections.
Applications are open until June 30, 2024. Apply HERE.
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This article was first published on 28th May 2024


Ikenna Nwachukwu holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He loves to look at the world through multiple lenses- economic, political, religious and philosophical- and to write about what he observes in a witty, yet reflective style.

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