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Ingressive for Good is a not-for-profit education technology (EdTech) organization that exists to provide Africans with the skills they need to build successful careers in technology. It provides micro-scholarships, training, and job placements for some of the continent’s brightest tech talents.

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The team at Ingressive for Good (I4G) says that their work is aimed at increasing the earning power of Africans. They want to do this by training a million African tech talents and connecting the best of them to 5,000 high-quality jobs.

The cofounders of I4G—Maya Horgan Famodu, Sean Burrowes, and Blessing Abeng –built the organization out of the non-profit arm of a venture capital firm. They did so after realizing that there was a gap in technical knowledge amongst African programmers. Maya and Sean launched the organization in 2020; Blessing joined them a year later.

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One of Ingressive for Good’s programs is its micro-scholarships. It awards partial scholarships to selected final year students who are studying a tech-related course at a prominent university. It also provides them with a laptop. Everyone who gets this scholarship automatically becomes an I4G alumnus.

Another one of I4G’s initiatives is its Technical Training program. Here, it partners with reputable tech trainers to educate young Africans in high-demand tech disciplines. They take a hands-on approach to train students, which ensures that, upon completing their course, they are ready to take up jobs in tech.

I4G takes the extra step of linking up its best alumni—about 5% of the people it trains –to jobs in tech. It intends to do this for about 5,000 persons who graduate from its training program in the next five years. The organization’s team hopes that this will help bridge the talent gap in Africa’s tech ecosystem.

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Because Ingressive for Good primarily targets young people, it has a presence in some of the continent’s most prestigious universities. It maintains this presence through the I4G circles, which are communities of young Africans in cities and campuses who are enthusiastic about tech.

Volunteers who intend to build a tech community on their campus can apply to Ingressive for Good to become its campus ambassadors. If I4G selects them, they will gain access to multiple benefits, including resources and opportunities for growth.

I4G also holds a community challenge, and a quarterly coding and design challenge. This program encourages new designers and programmers to build solutions to challenges in their localities.

Featured Image Source: Ingressive For Good
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This article was first published on 5th May 2022
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Ikenna Nwachukwu holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He loves to look at the world through multiple lenses- economic, political, religious and philosophical- and to write about what he observes in a witty, yet reflective style.

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