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Jude Fejokwu a.k.a. The Dialectic Africa Analyst is quickly becoming an authority on all things banking and finance, as much as the Nigerian blogosphere is concerned at least. His blog, presents a wide range of detailed analyses and insights on the sector in question, including his interesting insistence on “steadfastly staying on the path of the Truth” as coined on his site. The Truth, in this case, refers to the abstinence from bias. He occasionally chips in progressive values that need to be adopted by sector stakeholders. And every once in a while, there’s the inclusion of comical relief from personal experiences as a stockbroker among others. Visit Jude’s blog for insights on Nigerian banks and multinational companies along with their activities in Nigeria and other parts of Africa.

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This article was first published on 27th August 2015


Ify Halim is a Writer and media enthusiast based in Lagos. She enjoys writing self-help/inspirational articles with published work in UYD Magazine, Edufrica, Our Stories Inc. and The Keele Concourse. She currently works at, Nigeria’s Information Portal. Follow her on Twitter @MissHalim or visit her online space at

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