5 Holiday Gift Ideas for Tech Lovers
3rd December 2014
If you’re looking for gift ideas for your techie partner, we’ve put together 5 gift ideas for you to consider getting for him or her. 1. Google Chromecast. Streams online videos, music, photos and more to your TV using your smartphone, tablet, or laptop. A must have for tech lovers. 2. Mi Power Bank. … Continue reading 5 Holiday Gift Ideas for Tech Lovers

3 TED Talks That Will Change How You See the World
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” If this sounds like a philosophy you can relate to, then you’ll love these TED talks. Hyeonseo Lee: My Escape from North Korea A harrowing, personal tale of survival and hope and a powerful reminder … Continue reading 3 TED Talks That Will Change How You See the World

App Review: QuickOffice for Android
With QuickOffice for Android, you can easily create and edit Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files. Its file manager is simple and intuitive, and it lets you access local files and those stored in your Google Drive account. It doesn’t require any converting to proprietary formats, and it can easily save your updated files to your … Continue reading App Review: QuickOffice for Android

Monday Motivation: 4 Truths About Multitasking
1st December 2014
Being able to multitask is seen as the Holy Grail of the modern executive. This post reveals 4 of the unknown darker aspects of multitasking. 1. Multitasking makes you less productive. If you’re convinced that multitasking makes you productive, you’re very wrong. It just means you backtrack a lot, because every time you switch tasks, … Continue reading Monday Motivation: 4 Truths About Multitasking

Monday Motivation: 10 Books Every Entrepreneur Must Read
Here’s a collection of some of the best books for those just discovering their call to entrepreneurship. Business Adventures by John Brooks Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwalder The Start-Up of You by Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso From Resource Allocation To Strategy by Joseph Bower Rework … Continue reading Monday Motivation: 10 Books Every Entrepreneur Must Read

Great Reads: Quiet by Susan Cain
28th November 2014
How many introverts do you know? This extraordinary book has the power to permanently change how we see introverts and, equally important, how introverts see themselves. In Quiet, Susan Cain argues that society undervalues introverts and shows how much we lose in doing so. She also introduces us to successful introverts. By delving into introversion, … Continue reading Great Reads: Quiet by Susan Cain

4 Things NOT to Buy on Black Friday
Toys Black Friday is not the best time to buy toys for the holidays. Many will likely see discounts on Black Friday. You’ll get when you see the same toys for even less about two weeks before Christmas. Exercise Equipment For those of you looking to get a leg up on any fitness New … Continue reading 4 Things NOT to Buy on Black Friday

3 Photo Editor Tools To Make The Most Of Your Shots
26th November 2014
Can’t get the hang of Photoshop? Here are 3 of the best useful image editors around. 1. Picasa: Picasa is a versatile photo editor and organiser, with integrated Google+ upload and sharing options. It is a great tool if you’re looking for a way to organise your photo collection particularly if you already use Google+. … Continue reading 3 Photo Editor Tools To Make The Most Of Your Shots

Book Review: Social Intelligence
24th November 2014
Author: Daniel Goleman This book is about getting to know that we are wired to connect. Goleman presents new evidence to show that our reactions to others, and theirs to us, have far-reaching biological impact on the totality of our beings. Is there a way to raise our children to be happy? What is the … Continue reading Book Review: Social Intelligence

App Review: Moon+ Reader
Moon+ Reader is an excellent e-book reader with a neat and clean user interface, complete with rich features and useful controls for you to read e-books comfortably on your mobile devices. It’s highly customizable to suit your preferences. You can change everything with Moon+ Reader, and to get to those options all you have … Continue reading App Review: Moon+ Reader

5 Photography Websites for New Photographers
19th November 2014
Are you into photography? Do you simply want to develop your skills behind the lens? Then check out these top photography websites. I’ve selected 5 of the best photography websites, packed with resources and tutorials to help you, whether you’re a pro or amateur. 1. Strobist is a great website for newbie photographers. The Free … Continue reading 5 Photography Websites for New Photographers

Evernote- The Note Taking and Organisation App
18th November 2014
Evernote is a great note taking and organization app. It’s available for free on Android, IOS, Mac and Windows platforms and stands head and shoulders above Microsoft’s One Note and Google’s Android Keep. Evernote saves all your pictures, audio files and notes in the cloud so you can easily access them anywhere you have an … Continue reading Evernote- The Note Taking and Organisation App

Motivational Monday: 3 Reasons Why People Matter
17th November 2014
Other people matter. This may sound like a well-worn motivational sound bite by pop psychologists and the likes, but it is an apt description of what life is all about. Life, the good life, is and should be all about people. Our journey across life will bisect and intersect with other people and a … Continue reading Motivational Monday: 3 Reasons Why People Matter

Magazine Review: Introducing Flipboard
11th November 2014
Flipboard is a personalized magazine builder. It builds your magazines by giving you an option to select an initial five topics from a list of 32,000. You browse topics by scrolling through a very long list or by keying a term into the search box. Once you’ve made your picks, … Continue reading Magazine Review: Introducing Flipboard

App of the Week-Yummly
The app-lification of everything is fully underway. Everything has an app these days. This series looks at the best apps designed to make our lives easier. Every week, we’ll review one app be it on Android, IOS or a webapp. This week we’ll shine our review torch on Yummly, an app for food lovers. … Continue reading App of the Week-Yummly

3 Tips to Help You Save Money
10th November 2014
Money Matters. Money isn’t just a medium of exchange, it is a way of securing ones future and ensuring that one isn’t left at the mercy of others during lean periods. A lot has been written on the subject of money, this article looks at the famous three tips on how to save money. 1. … Continue reading 3 Tips to Help You Save Money

4 Ways to Deal With Workplace Stress
We all face stress. Books and tips abound on the topic of dealing with stress in our lives but it seems the more we try to eliminate stress from our lives, the more prevalent stress and associated disorders become. Workplace stress is a staple of modern lives, what with endless meetings, tasks and interruptions that … Continue reading 4 Ways to Deal With Workplace Stress

3 Tips to Help You Get More Productive in The Work Place
3rd November 2014
It’s the beginning of another hectic work week and you’re not quite sure of how you can be more productive in the office. You seem to have a hard time deciding on a strategy that will give you the greatest reward on your effort. Productivity is all about getting things done in the shortest period … Continue reading 3 Tips to Help You Get More Productive in The Work Place

3 Things To Know About Goals
What do you want? New car? New job? A raise in salary? Whatever it is, merely wishing for these wants to become a reality is not enough. We need to set GOALS. Goals are the end to which effort is directed. Without goals, our efforts at creating the life we’ve always dreamed of are nothing … Continue reading 3 Things To Know About Goals

Seven Things You Should Know About Samuel Ajayi Crowther
30th October 2014
Samuel Ajayi Crowther was a linguist. He translated the Bible into the Yoruba Language and was instrumental in the translation of the Bible into the Igbo Language. Here are some other things to know about this religious icon: Samuel Ajayi Crowther and his entire village were captured by Muslim Fulani slave traders and sold to … Continue reading Seven Things You Should Know About Samuel Ajayi Crowther
Learn a Skill Wednesday: How to Live-Tweet an Event
29th October 2014
In a world dominated by an abundance of social media channels, live-tweeting an event has become the amplification medium of choice. Live-tweeting gives brands the ability to reach hitherto unreached audiences and create awareness for their brand. Speaker quotes, industry trends and facts and figures are given special consideration during an event. Live-tweeting is an … Continue reading Learn a Skill Wednesday: How to Live-Tweet an Event

3 Social Media Tips for Job Seekers
28th October 2014
Social media is a valuable tool in the job search process today. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn give prospective employers the chance to know prospective employees beyond the confines of resumes, CVs and cover letters. Your social media profile lets employers know who you really are. Are you a knowledgeable, well-rounded … Continue reading 3 Social Media Tips for Job Seekers

Motivational Monday: 3 Things You Should Know About Attitude
26th October 2014
Our attitude is how we interpret our life experiences — our individual takes on life in general — how we make sense of reality. Attitude is of course a very powerful determinant of how far one can go in any endeavour. Still, a lot of people struggle with having a good attitude towards work … Continue reading Motivational Monday: 3 Things You Should Know About Attitude

3 Benefits of Social Media for Small Businesses
Social media has changed our lives. Not too long ago, businesses both big and small were subjected to the drudgery of snail mail, fax machines and long queues at telephone call centres. Social media has changed the way we live, interact and do business. It seems almost everyone around us has a social media presence … Continue reading 3 Benefits of Social Media for Small Businesses