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The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank (AfDB) yesterday approved the sum of N3.5 billion ($205 million) for Nigeria’s Urban Water Sector Reform and Port-Harcourt Water Supply and Sanitation Project. The total project cost amounts to approximately N5.9 billion ($346 million), of which the AfDB is financing N3.5 billion ($205 million). AfDB said that significant water sector reforms undertaken in Rivers State over the past few years have provided a sound basis for an investment project at this time. It further pointed out that the project aims to provide residents of Port-Harcourt, Rivers State, with sustainable access to safe drinking water and sanitation and to strengthen the federal government’s capacity to reform and scale up water supply and sanitation service delivery across the country. The director of the Bank’s Water and Sanitation Department, Mohamed El Azizi, commented on the board’s approval, saying that the project was a timely response to a confirmed need in the water sector in Nigeria following discussions between the Federal government, Rivers State Government and AfDB, which started in 2012. He explained, “The AfDB is proud to be collaborating with the Nigerian authorities on this project and we are bringing to the table a combination of our comprehensive approach to sustainable service provision; the capacity to mobilize the significant funding needed to make a tangible difference; our experience from operations in Nigeria and other regional member countries; and collaborative partnering with stakeholders in defining and implementing the project,” he said. The successful implementation of this project, El Azizi maintained, would mean that Port-Harcourt citizens will benefit from increased quantity, quality and service hours of water supplied. This is expected to improve their health and productivity and residents would also gain better health from improved environmental and sanitary conditions. The Urban Water Sector Reform and Port-Harcourt Water Supply and Sanitation Project looks at the financial and commercial viability of the services provided through the private sector, as well as environmental protection. It has a strong social focus in order to ensure that the investment benefits all potential consumer groups, particularly low income households.

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This article was first published on 2nd April 2014

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