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When it comes to staying fit, everyone has those days when they get frustrated and feel like giving up. How do you handle these negative emotions towards your fitness goals? Do you allow them win or you strive to overcome them? We all have different fitness goals and it’s easy to get frustrated along the way. Here are a few ways to avoid this:   1. Have a sustainable nutrition plan: Many people get on diet plans, cleanses, pills, shakes and things that are not close to reality. Do not start a plan that you cannot sustain because the moment you end that plan and go back to what is sustainable, you will gain the weight back plus some interest. Do not cut out foods completely – especially things you love, moderation is the key. You can eat whatever you want but in moderation.   2. Realize that everyone is on their own journey: Do not compare yourself to others; the only person you need to compete with is yourself. By comparing yourself to others, you do not see the behind the scenes, you do not see how many hours they put into their results and then you decide to give up. Some people spend hours in the gym every day and you may only have 45 minutes to spare. You are most likely not going to get the exact results in the same amount of time.   3. Have fun: Whatever you do, you need to have fun doing it. Do you love running? Start running. Do you love dancing? Take up Zumba classes. Whatever it is, find what makes you happy and what will keep you motivated. This will help you stay motivated and committed to reach your goals. Note: It will also be advisable to try new things and diversify because your body is very smart and could get used to it.   4. Yes you won’t always feel like putting in the work: You will not always be all hyped up to work out. Some days, you will rather remain under the blanket or sit on the couch. Other days, you may not even feel like eating right or doing portion control. Some days, you would rather eat whatever looks best on the restaurant menu. All of these are normal and would happen. Be gentle on yourself.    5. You do not need to over train: You do not need to spend hours in the gym to get results. Listen to your body when you need to. If you spend 45 minutes in the gym actually working out instead of spending half the time talking, reading a book, getting distracted by your phone or taking selfies (Lol. I do this once in a while), you will get quality workout in that little time.   6. Stop giving up often: If you do not want to keep restarting, then stop giving up. Consistency is key to success. Every time you give up or quit and then decide to go back, you have to start over which is usually hard because you have lost some muscle strength. For instance, you won’t be able to immediately go back to the 13 miles you used to run or if you used to lift weights, you may not be able to go back to the exact weight you stopped at.   7. Stop beating yourself up Do not beat yourself up just because you skipped a few workouts or you ate a little too much. Dust yourself up and move on. Whenever you fall down in your journey, pick yourself up immediately. Do not say because you messed up for two days, therefore you will mess up the rest of the week. It doesn’t work that way.   8. Have a workout plan: You do not need to follow whatever plans you find online or through a friend, it may not be the right fit for you or your goals. Start slowly, research on fitness plans or consult a trainer to get you started. Jumping into the wrong plan could discourage you fast. You may be required to do a particular exercise that your body isn’t strong enough to perform. Some people move forward while trying to get stronger, while some give up thinking they can never achieve it. Develop your own work out routine and fit it into your schedule.         About the Writer: Lola Akingbade is a certified weight management specialist, fitness blogger and the owner of a fitness blog ( She is the author of E-book: Lola’s Great Escape: A Guide To Healthy African Meals. She also holds a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. She has a passion for working out, staying fit and helping others achieve their goals of healthy lifestyles. She can be reached on Instagram (@christsoldiergirlfitness), Twitter (@csgfitness) and Facebook (lolah christsoldiergirl Akingbade)    

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This article was first published on 8th April 2015

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