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My dear mum usually says “When you love and value something or someone, you care for and cherish them”. Saying you love or value something/someone should be just an affirmation of what you are already doing for that thing/person. Ever just bought a shoe and fallen so much in love with it that you wear it every day ? *sigh*. Now you understand why writing this article was so hard: because I’m as guilty as anyone else. But the truth must be told, so here it goes: 1. KEEP THE FIT: I know you love the shoes and the design is out of this world, believe me we get it, but if it’s a size too small or too big, then it wasn’t meant to be with you, so move on please. Wearing shoes that are too small will strain your toes and end up making you really miserable and I’m sure you know what a size too big can do to your image – no one wants to be walking down the street with their feet slipping in and out of their shoes. *whew* 2. CHILL ON THE REPETITION: Always let your shoes rest at least 24 hours before wearing them again. Make sure that you don’t wear the pair every day. Shoes made with leather retain moisture from your feet, which will eventually cause them to dry and crack if you don’t give them a chance to air out. Rotating them will help keep them looking better for a longer period. 3. DRY AND CLEAN: It is very important to dry and clean your shoes to increase their longevity, especially during raining season or when you notice excess sweat at the end of the day. You can also stuff wet shoes with newspaper or a towel to draw out the moisture inside. 4. STORE THEM CAREFULLY: Believe me how you store your shoes has a great impact on how long they last or how soon they’ll wear out. Invest in a shoe rack or buy a shoe bag to properly store your shoes; this will allow the right amount of air to get to them and will also prevent you stepping on them when they are scattered all over the place. 5. FIX AND REPAIR OFTEN: Because of the slim nature of a stiletto heel, the tips will wear down with use and should be replaced regularly by a reputable shoe repairer. Never allow the tips to completely wear down to the metal tip, as this will damage the stiletto. 6. POLISH LEATHER SHOES: I know firsthand that men are very faithful in polishing their shoes, but women can be lazy when it comes to polishing their shoes (guilty). You can locate a shoe repairer close to your house or even office to drop your leather shoes ahead of the dates you intend to wear them. 7. REPLACE SOLES: Once in a while, go through your shoe rack and examine the soles, then take the ones that need a new sole to the shoe repairer and get them fixed. Believe me, it will save you the craziness of finding out that the sole of one of your favourite pairs is about to pop off just when you really needed to wear it out. 8. GIVE, GIVE AND GIVE: Yes, you read that right! If you keep piling two or three shoes on top of each other because there are no longer spaces on the shoe rack, then it might be time to re-evaluate your shoe rack. Stacking shoes on each other can cause cracks in shoes and reduce their life span. So take time out over this holiday season, select those that you probably haven’t worn in the past six months and give them out. Not only would you have put a smile on someone’s face but you would have created a breathing space for adorable shoes left on the rack.     About the Writer: Eniola Adeniji is a woman after God’s own heart, a motivational Writer, Speaker, Fashion and Photography addict. She is also a Business Developer, Social Media Manager and the founder of Woman Of Value. She blogs at

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This article was first published on 24th September 2015
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