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  The idea of public speaking is received with several reactions. For some it’s their strength, for others, speaking in public scares them to death. Speaking in public takes several dimensions: from giving a speech, to giving a toast, to doing a presentation, to teaching, to preaching, and so on.
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Issues such as stage fright, unpreparedness, and general unskillfulness are issues that impede good public speaking. Public speaking is a skill that is considered one of the top skills by professionals. In this article, I highlight 8 ways to be a better public speaker.
  1. It’s Alright To Be Nervous

Public speaking is a skill, not a talent. And speaking in public takes years of practice before you become perfect at it. That’s why you’re scared to death anytime you’re made to make an impromptu speech. This feeling is normal: it happens to the best of us. Don’t feel strange about it.
  1. Consider Your Audience Type

When trying to give a speech, consider the level of people that make up your audience or the event upon which you’re called upon to speak. If your audience are business associates, then your speech should be seasoned with some business terminologies. If you’re called upon to give a toast at a party, your words are to be witty yet serious.
  1. Prepare

A good public speaker prepares his speech. He first and foremost understands his audience and what is expected of him, he goes on to research the chosen topic, drafts his speech and rehearses it before appearing in public. However, if you’re to give a speech in an informal setting, like a birthday party, there’s no need for intense preparation.
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  1. Outline Your Points

When given an opportunity to speak to the public, always outline your points and don’t prepare your speech in a scripted essay format. The reason is that you might mix up your points and your speech will be irregular, thus making it difficult for your to get your message.
  1. Practice

Public speaking is not a talent, it’s a skill that must be practised over and over again. In the ancient Greek civilization, young nobles were taught in the act of public speaking known as an oratory. You can practice by speaking to an empty hall, facing the mirror and before roommates or your partner. Get to hear yourself speak and see where you can improve through feedbacks from close quarters.
  1. Listen

Communication is a two-way activity, and whether you’re in an informal or formal setting, listening is very key to effective public speaking. In an informal setting, speaking on similar interests can make public speaking interesting, especially when there’s a smooth flow of conversation. Listening also involves observing your audience’s gestures and facial expressions. A  bright-eyed look shows that the speech is being accepted positively.  An absentminded, lost look is a red flag.
  1. Make Eye Contact With Your Audience

Making eye contact shows competence and confidence on the part of the speaker and interest on the part of the listener. Making eye contact is an effective way to hold your audience’s attention. When you aren’t making eye contact it can affect the reception of the speech. Good public speaking is not accomplished until there’s a positive acceptance of your speech.
  1. Stand Upright

Standing upright when making a speech is a way to show confidence, energy and willingness to impact through your speech. If you maintain a lazy, tired-looking posture it might affect your audience – they might not take your speech serious. Your tired, boring posture can contaminate the speech. Featured Image Source: The Hawk Newspaper
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This article was first published on 24th August 2021
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I am a poet. I am a moderate thinker who abhors radicalism on every front and believes that most things are relative. I am a social and political critic. I love writing, reading and international politics.

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