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From birth till we all turn grey, relationships are essential to one’s life. There are different kinds of relationships that build one like the relationship with God, the one with your parents, brothers, sisters, friends, teachers and many more. There is also the technology relationship (Social media) which seems to be one of the biggest forms of relationship in the new generation but it can never be compared to the closeness of physical relationships. One of the most over thought relationships is the “Dating” relationship. They tend to be strong at a point and then some of them breakdown unexpectedly or get boring. Before your relationship goes from rainbows to shades of gray, here are some healthy tips that will add spice and flavor to your relationship:  
  1.  Step out of the box sometimes.
It seems a little simple, but trying something different in your relationship is the best way to overcome a ‘boring’ time and start afresh. Try to get away from your home or apartment at least once a month to keep your relationship strong and healthy.  Step out of the comfort zone for each other and let your differences bring you together. Talk with each other and find out what you’ve always wanted to do. Grab a pen and paper; list them out and every month try one of the items on the list.  
  1. Vacations
Going away to a different location without the worries of your neighbours friends and family just to spend quality time together helps a relationship. When you take the time to rediscover that love over and over again, you bring a new vigor and life to the staleness.  
  1. Get A Makeover.
Getting a makeover doesn’t have to be a total renovation of yourself. It could be a new haircut, new outfits, new style but it makes your partner look at you like new and it feels like the beginning to a new relationship.  
  1.  Hang out with your friends separately
Just like spending time alone, we all had a life before we got into a relationship; you still need to keep in contact with your circle of friends, remember they have always been there for us .When you start to lose contact of the people that you knew before your partner, you can feel like your entire life is devoted to your partner, that can dampen a healthy relationship.  
  1.  Be Spontaneous.
Break the normal routines, don’t buy her flowers and chocolates because its valentine’s day, don’t get him a gift because it’s his birthday, don’t call because he /she is out of town, don’t just have a cook out because it’s your anniversary, do it just because! You can send a gift to her workplace so that she gets a lot of attention and she’ll love it. Go on dates to celebrate nothing but yourselves. Have lunch together, go grocery shopping together and so on.  
  1.  Make a romantic dinner
It’s an old trick but it works, making a meal for your partner or spouse is a great way to create a sense of newness to a relationship – especially when you don’t normally do it. When you simply take the time to think about what someone wants to eat as well as creating an atmosphere that supports a loving environment, it’s more than just a meal; it’s an expression of your love.  
  1.  Prioritize your relationship.
Lines are supposed to be drawn to demarcate sections of our entire lives. Too often we let our routines get in the way of our relationships, when it should be the other way around. Prioritize your relationship, make your spouse or partner feel loved and special, communicate more often, be part of their daily activities, cheer them up, encourage them, always use elevating and subtle words to express how you feel. No matter what, be sure that you show your partner every day that they are important to you that step alone can keep your relationship healthy and you both happy.    

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This article was first published on 3rd September 2012 and updated on September 25th, 2012 at 4:42 pm

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