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How do you preserve your wealth? Especially with the uncertainty of today’s economy, it is now more important to find ways to preserve your hard earned wealth through the years.

Here are some assets smart and wealthy individuals invest in for the purpose of preserving wealth.

Real Estate

You probably thought of this already. And you’re right to think of real estate as an asset, not just as a means to create wealth but to preserve your wealth. You can purchase properties and rent them out, not sell them, to earn a passive income and preserve your wealth.


In times of economic crisis and currency fluctuations, gold maintains its value. Which makes it a great choice for investment when you want to preserve your wealth. By the way, you can purchase gold in small amounts or in bars.

Precious Jewels

Diamonds and rubies are great examples or precious stones you can invest in. These precious gemstones bring handsome returns on investment, especially if the gemstone is rare.

Precious Metals

Titanium and platinum are usable metals for businesses. And are in huge demand these days. Investing and reselling metals like these is a great way to preserve your wealth.

Fine Art

Wealthy folks purchase fine art, not just because they love art, but because they know fine art increases in value over time. You can collect fine art like paintings and resell at a higher value at a later date.

Learn simple and strategic ways to create, invest and transfer wealth at the Wealth Forum. To attend, click here to register.


Phyllis Okeke is the Managing Director of Zela Ventures Int’l Limited, and also the convener of the Wealth Forum.

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This article was first published on 5th April 2017

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