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With the presidential elections less than 24 hours away, you may be among the many individuals who are indifferent about voting tomorrow. Reasons such as “they’ll rig it, anyway” and “they’re all the same” are constant proclamations within my social circle – and I must admit that I too have thought the same way. But it’s important that we consider the reasons why we must (not should) vote this election period. These reasons are: 1. The labour of our heroes past: Remember the struggles martyrs like the late MKO Abiola endured just for the cause of democracy. Deliberately choosing not to vote would mean taking this for granted. 2. We live in a democracy: There are millions of people around the world who would give an arm and a leg to be able to vote. Think of the youths of Libya who fought hard for an opportunity many nations like ours get to enjoy. 3. The efforts of the INEC: The introduction of Permanent Voters Cards, card readers and the postponement of elections are just a few of the major efforts put in place by INEC to ensure that a free and fair election takes place. It’s important that we go to the voting booth and vote  to encourage the commission for their efforts. 4. To exercise your personal power: There is a strong relationship between personal efficacy and voting – a personal sense of power. Voting gives you the opportunity to voice your opinion on issues that affect those in your community, which allows you to shape the government and its policies. Basically, voting gives you the power to vote as you see fit, since it is a democratic right. It is your power to influence positive change in Nigeria. 5. To ensure better leadership: Voting has a direct impact on how the government makes appointments, laws, budgets, public policies, and regulations that will lead this country to a bright future. Since voting is a democratic right of all, you have the opportunity to share the issues that need to be addressed. Your vote has an impact on how the government implements policies that affect you and your family. You have the power to vote in a capable leader.   If we continue to do the safe tactical vote, if we continue to not be bothered to vote; then we have no right to complain about the way things are. Tomorrow, go out and vote! It is your right and your duty to ensure the continuity of democracy.       About the Writer: Ify Halim is a young Creative and a promoter of values through the force that is writing.  Follow her on twitter: @MissHalim    

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This article was first published on 27th March 2015

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