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Boarding a flight is completely different from driving or catching a train. The risk associated with flying is too much to simply board any available airline. Obviously, it is no gainsaying that everyone desires an airline that is reliable, friendly, and affordable. However, the question how do you select. You must have heard horrible stories of how some domestic and international airlines treat Nigerians. This is why is pertinent for travellers to always ask questions. Here are some questions to ask to ask before booking a flight.

  1. Will the airline arrive on-time? Some airlines are famed for being late or for delaying flights. Even though the situation may be beyond their control, the way they handle it is always terrible, infuriating and frustrating. This chronic delay and lateness can make you miss important business meetings. Hence, it is important to find out by calling your friends who are frequent flyers.
  2. Will the airline lose my luggage? You may not fly any airline in the world if you focus on finding out if an airline will lose your luggage. The only difference is the frequency of complaints lodged for lost luggage and this is what you should look out for. Losing your luggage is always a bitter experience especially if the airline is nonchalant about it and refuse to take any action.
  3. Will the airline treat me right? Most airlines are expected to be highly professional. If not, you should lodge a complaint with their corporate office and if you get no satisfaction, report it to the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authorities (NCAA). Some airlines have the reputation of treating their air travellers with disregard and disdain. But this will not be the case if you ask this questions before booking your flight.
  4. Will the airline give me the cheapest price? Unfortunately, with the economic situation in Nigeria as well as the dollar scarcity, very few airlines offer cheap prices. In spite of this, they still offer seasonal discounts which you can take advantage off. Safety and great prices should be the utmost thing on your mind whenever you are flying.
  5. Is the airline safe? There are some airlines whose rate of air crashes are very high. Google is your best source of information for this. If you are concerned, it better to search for other airlines which have encountered little or no crashes.

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This article was first published on 17th June 2016
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Adeniyi is a freelance writer and journalist, radio freak, news junkie and budding photographer. He writes on tech, tips and travel for Jovago. Connect with him via Twitter @sleeksavvy.

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