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Some people are fond of using their teeth to bite off their nails either as a result of nervousness or in a bid to cut them lower. Usually, it is a habit that starts from a very young age and continues up till adulthood if not curbed in time. It might sound surprising that some adults still bite their nails with teeth, but it is an uncontrollable habit to some people. However, what they do not understand is that biting the nails with teeth can lead to numerous infections which are harmful to health. Below are four good reasons why you should stop biting your nails:

  • It can lead to infections: And we are not even talking about the internal infections. We are talking about the ones that can happen because your fingers are cut and exposed to germs from different surfaces. When you bite your fingernails, there is a probability that you may bruise and blister the surfaces of the fingers. Microorganisms usually employ any available routes to enter the human body, if the skin of your fingers is exposed, it provides them with a good opportunity for the pathogenic ones to cause infections.
  • It can lead to poisoning: There is a reason why people are advised to wash their hands before and after toilet use, and before eating. The main idea is to prevent the spread and transmission of germs as much as possible. Now imagine not washing your hands properly after using the toilet and then dipping those hands into the mouth to supposedly cut your nails. This can lead to the introduction of germs into the body system. Also, when handling other poisonous substances, nail biting must be avoided as much as possible.
  • It can hurt your teeth and gums: Aside from both internal and external infections you can sustain through nail biting, it can also harm your oral health. Biting your nails with your teeth can easily scratch your gums and teeth. Nail biting can influence your normal dental occlusion, creating unseemly gaps in between teeth. Gums can also bleed when scratched or irritated.
  • It shows your emotional state: It might have been acceptable to bite your nails when you were younger, but as an adult, it tells a lot about you. Nail biting can give the impression of a nervous and anxious individual as it publicly exposes your state of mind and confidence level. Remember to refrain from biting your nails at a job interview.

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This article was first published on 28th September 2016


Opoola Jelifat is a young and passionate writer. She holds a B.Sc degree in Microbiology and enjoys reading, cooking and writing on real life issues. She is currently pursuing a Masters degree at the University of Ibadan. Contact her on, and via Twitter and facebook by clicking the icons below.

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