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The Easter Weekend officially begins today, and while it’s a welcomed holiday for many worker bees around the world, it’s also a time of reflection for Christians on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Here are some lessons I have learnt and constantly remember about Easter: 1. I am reminded of God’s unconditional love for His children; a love so strong that His Son had to die in order for us to be reconciled with Him. We are encouraged to show this love to others, even in what some may consider the most insignificant ways such as a friendly smile, a genuine compliment or a warm hug. Show someone love today. 2. I am reminded of God’s incredible power; a power so great that a man regained life three days after his death. Power is the ability to change situations, and knowledge and faith in God’s power gives us hope that all circumstances can be overcome when He’s involved. Trust in his supreme power today. 3. I am reminded to live selflessly like Jesus did. Here’s a man who gave up himself for generations to come. This is the complete opposite of what modern society subtly promotes; a life of accumulation for ourselves and our family members alone. Put someone’s needs before yours today. 4. I am reminded to remain committed to my cause, even in tough times. Jesus could have given up at any time while being punished, but he endured it all for the sake of his mission. As entrepreneurs, employees or students, it’s important that we work to achieve success in all we do, despite the challenges we may face, just as Christ did. Be determined never to give up on your dreams today; you will make it.       About the Writer: Ify Halim is a young Creative and a promoter of values through the force that is writing.  Follow her on twitter: @MissHalim  

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This article was first published on 3rd April 2015

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