As a writer, I have witnessed firsthand how lack of motivation can affect my output negatively. It is not different for entrepreneurs and employees alike. We all need motivation daily to be productive and successful.
As a leader, sometimes, you need to forget about your team for a minute and look at your own effectiveness. Are you being motivated? If yes, what motivates you? How much are you motivated? If you do not work on your own motivation and happiness, you cannot become an effective leader. So, how do you tell yourself “”I think I can,” “I believe I still can,” and “I’m doing it!”?
Here are three ways (that have worked for me) to motivate yourself, and in turn, motivate the team that look to you as an example:
1. Avoid Complacency
When you are satisfied with the level you are, you stop pursuing challenges and complacency quickly sets in. How do you avoid that? Never let your guard down. Never forget that someone is sitting at the next table or behind you. I am not asking that you go into undue competition with anyone, but keep pursuing challenges; do not be too comfortable in the same place you were last year or last quarter. Push your limits, prove everything to yourself alone, don’t be lazy and try to be all what you want to be. Always remember that complacency will ruin motivation and success; personally and professionally.
2. Brainstorm
A lot of us would describe brainstorming as some sort of a meeting room with half a dozen people bouncing ideas off each other. But sometimes, you have to come up with ideas by yourself; so how do you brainstorm alone and end up motivating yourself? Sometimes, all you need is to sit down and come up with a list of ideas. I know it will still be just your list, but when you act as if your friends or colleagues are there and ask yourself what kind of things they would say to help with the brainstorming process, you are halfway there. Get out a pen and writing pad, write a goal or 20; write down 20 ideas on how to achieve them, ask yourself questions that could awaken your mind; do this regularly and you will find ideas and motivation coming to you much easier.
3. Seek Like-Minded People
There are lots of people out there doing exactly what you are doing, or at least something very similar. Even if you don’t reach out to them personally, you can draw inspiration and motivation by looking at what they have done and what they are doing; how they are doing it and the challenges they are facing. If your subconsciousness can communicate to you that there are people out there with potential to understand your plight, you’ll feel less weight on your shoulders.
So seek out friends, an online community, a local club or organization, and start forming a motivational network. And if you ever need to ask for help someday, do not hesitate to do so. It’s not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of being human. Having a solid support group will keep you up when you feel like falling and present you with resources, ideas, and motivation that you wouldn’t otherwise have.
About the author: Chris Bamidele is a passionate and unapologetic Nigerian, who believes in God and humanity. He is a writer, blogger, and an aspiring Television Director; and an optimist to the core. He blogs at and tweets @Chrisbamidele.
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This article was first published on 21st April 2015
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Chris Bamidele is a passionate and unapologetic Nigerian, who believes in God and humanity. He is a writer, blogger, and an aspiring Television Director; and an optimist to the core. He blogs at and tweets @Chrisbamidele.
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