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  Since it was launched in November 2022, ChatGPT has become a go-to tool for many people seeking quick answers, creative ideas, and personalized advice. From students seeking help with assignments to professionals looking for quick solutions to everyday tasks.
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However, despite its popularity, many people still don’t get the best out of it. Often, you might find yourself asking ChatGPT a question, only to get a response that doesn’t quite hit the mark. It’s not because ChatGPT isn’t powerful—it’s because using it effectively requires a bit of strategy. If you’ve ever felt frustrated by a generic or unclear answer, you’re not alone. But the good news is that with a few simple tips, you can make ChatGPT work better for you.

Here are 10 ways to get the most out of ChatGPT

1. Be Specific and Clear
If you want to get the best responses from ChatGPT, it’s important to be specific and clear. For example, instead of asking broad questions like, “How do I write a business plan?” try being more specific: “Can you outline the main sections of a business plan for a small fashion business in Nigeria?” By narrowing down your request, you’ll get a more targeted and useful response.
2. Break Down Complex Requests
If you’re working on a big or complex project, it helps to break it down into smaller tasks. For example, if you’re writing a report, start by asking ChatGPT to help you with the introduction. Once you’re satisfied, move on to the next part, like the body or conclusion. This step-by-step approach ensures that each part gets the attention it deserves, and you’ll end up with a more polished final product.
3. Use Follow-Up Questions
When working with ChatGPT, you may get an answer that’s not clear or needs more detail. Don’t hesitate to ask follow-up questions. For example, after receiving a response, you might ask, “Can you explain that in simpler terms?” or “Can you give me an example?” This back-and-forth can help you better understand the topic and get exactly what you need.
4. Try Different Styles and Formats
Sometimes, the way information is presented can be the difference maker. If you find a response too dry or hard to digest, ask ChatGPT to rephrase it. For example, you could say, “Can you explain this like you’re talking to someone who knows nothing about the topic?” or “Can you summarize this in a simple paragraph?” This not only makes the learning process more engaging but also helps you grasp concepts more effectively.
5. Iterate and Refine
Sometimes, the first answer you get might not be perfect, and that’s okay. It may take a few tries before you get the responses you are looking for. So, don’t be afraid to ask for a revision when you feel it is necessary. For instance, if you’re drafting an email and it doesn’t sound quite right, you could say, “Can you make this sound more professional?”, “This is great, but can we make the tone more inspiring?”, or “Can you shorten this to two sentences?” Iterating like this helps you get exactly what you need.
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6. For Learning and Problem-Solving
ChatGPT isn’t just for finding quick answers, it’s also a great tool for learning. If you’re trying to understand a difficult concept, like understanding inflation or climate change, you can ask ChatGPT to explain it in simple terms. You can even ask for step-by-step guides on how to solve specific problems, which can be incredibly helpful in everyday life. For example, “Can you explain the law of demand with examples relevant to Nigeria?” This approach can help you learn more effectively and apply what you’ve learned in real life.
7. Use ChatGPT as a Creative Partner
When you’re stuck for ideas—whether it’s for a business, a creative project, or even a new hobby, ChatGPT can be helpful in brainstorming. You can start the conversation with something like, “I am looking to launch a podcast on finance targeted at young people between ages 18 and 35 in Nigeria, can you help me come up with ideas for the podcast?” You’ll get a variety of suggestions that can spark new thoughts and directions.
8. Ask for Advice or Recommendations
ChatGPT can also be a great resource for advice and recommendations. Whether you’re looking for book recommendations, career advice, or on managing finances, ChatGPT can provide you with suggestions based on your needs. It is important however that you mention your preferences or constraints to get advice that’s tailored to your specific situation. For instance, “What are some good books on entrepreneurship that address business leadership and strategy?” or “Can you recommend a workout routine to build six packs for beginners?”
9. Simulate Real-Life Scenarios
Another powerful way to use ChatGPT is by simulating real-life situations. Let’s say you have an upcoming job interview, you could ask, “I am preparing for an interview for a role as a Data Analyst, can you role-play as an interviewer and ask me some common interview questions?”
10. Experiment and Have Fun
Finally, the list in this post isn’t exhaustive. Don’t be afraid to experiment with ChatGPT. ChatGPT can do a lot more than just answer questions—it can tell stories, write poems, and even create jokes. Playing around with different requests can help you discover new ways to use ChatGPT that you might not have thought of before.
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Concluding Thoughts

ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but like any tool, its effectiveness depends on how you use it. So next time you have a question or need help with something, give these strategies a try, you’ll be surprised at how much more you can get out of ChatGPT.
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This article was first published on 2nd September 2024


Ifegwu-Mbonu Victor is a Personal Growth and Leadership Trainer who provides training and coaching to individuals and organizations.

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