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Research Asojo has conducted research in industry, academia and government. After graduating, Asojo was appointed a postdoctoral fellow at the National Cancer Institute. She spent a year as a staff scientist at Tibotec in Rockville, Maryland. In 2003, Asojo joined the University of Nebraska Medical Center as an Assistant Professor. She simultaneously managed the X-Ray crystallography facility at Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases. Here she studied membrane proteins involved in multi-drug resistance. She was awarded two National Institutes of Health grants in 2005, studying alternative treatments to the Hookworm infection. She held an adjunct position at Olabisi Onabanjo University. Asojo is now at Hampton University in Hampton, VA where she is an associate professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Asojo was previously based at the Baylor College of Medicine, where her lab is dedicated to the production, purification and crystallization of proteins. She shares equipment with the Sabin Vaccine Institute. Since 2001 she has coordinated summer research projects for disadvantaged high school students through the American Chemical Society Project SEED. She won the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship in 2016. Since 2014, Asojo has been an editor for Nature’s Scientific Reports and an associate editor specializing in crystallography for BMC Structural Biology. Awards and honors
- 2016 – Fulbright specialist
- 2016 – Society for Science & the Public Science Advocate Grant program
- 2016 – Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship in 2016.
- 2017 – Baylor College of Medicine Norton Rose Fulbright Faculty Excellence Award in Teaching
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- Asojo, O. A., Goud, G., Dhar, K., Loukas, A., Zhan, B., Deumic, V., … & Hotez, P. J. (2005). X-ray structure of Na-ASP-2, a pathogenesis-related-1 protein from the nematode parasite, Necator americanus, and a vaccine antigen for human hookworm infection. Journal of molecular biology, 346(3), 801-814. (Cited 165 times, according to Google Scholar [15])
- Asojo, O. A., Gulnik, S. V., Afonina, E., Yu, B., Ellman, J. A., Haque, T. S., & Silva, A. M. (2003). Novel uncomplexed and complexed structures of plasmepsin II, an aspartic protease from Plasmodium falciparum. Journal of molecular biology, 327(1), 173-181. (Cited 152 times, according to Google Scholar. [15])
- Nachon, F., Asojo, O. A., Borgstahl, G. E., Masson, P., & Lockridge, O. (2005). Role of water in the aging of human butyrylcholinesterase inhibited by echothiophate: the crystal structure suggests two alternative mechanisms of aging. Biochemistry, 44(4), 1154-1162. (Cited 116 times, according to Google Scholar. [15])
- Asojo, O. A., Afonina, E., Gulnik, S. V., Yu, B., Erickson, J. W., Randad, R., … & Silva, A. M. (2002). Structures of Ser205 mutant plasmepsin II from Plasmodium falciparum at 1.8 Å in complex with the inhibitors rs367 and rs370. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography, 58(12), 2001-2008.
- Hotez, P. J., Asojo, O. A., & Adesina, A. M. (2012). Nigeria: “Ground Zero” for the High Prevalence Neglected Tropical Diseases. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 6(7), e1600.
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