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In commemoration of the one year anniversary of the Eko Literary Society in Lagos, the Eko Poetry Slam took place on Saturday November 22nd, 2014. Spoken Word has been on the rise with weekly open mic events such as those at Bogobiri and Freedom Hall, taking place around Lagos. Poets gathered from all around Nigeria to compete with fellow performance poets and spoken word artists. Words, similes, metaphors and descriptive language flew around the room relating to pertinent social issues in Nigeria for three heated rounds until a first place winner, first runner up and second runner up were announced. Kemi Bakare took first place, Elizabeth Adeola Ayoola was the first runner up, while Increase was the second runner up. The event was full of cheers, fun, and admiration for the talent of the many poets that were brave enough to climb the stage and share their work.
First Place Winner; Kemi Bakare
First runner up; Elizabeth Adeola Ayoola
Second runner up: Increase
Second Runner up: Increase



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This article was first published on 27th November 2014

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