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  Customers expect quick and easy ways to connect with businesses. WhatsApp Business is a tool that can help companies provide excellent customer service. This article will explain WhatsApp Business, why it’s useful for customer service, and how to use it effectively.
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What is WhatsApp Business?

WhatsApp Business is a free app designed for small and medium-sized businesses. It’s similar to the regular WhatsApp app that many people use to chat with friends and family. However, WhatsApp Business has extra features that help companies communicate with their customers.

Why Use WhatsApp Business for Customer Service?

  1. It’s Popular: WhatsApp is one of the most used messaging apps worldwide. Many of your customers probably already use it.
  2. It’s Easy to Use: If you’ve used WhatsApp before, you’ll find WhatsApp Business familiar and simple to navigate.
  3. It’s Free: The app is free to download and use, making it great for businesses on a budget.
  4. Quick Responses: You can answer customer questions quickly, which improves satisfaction.
  5. Multimedia Sharing: You can easily send photos, videos, and documents to explain things better.
  6. Business Profile: You can create a profile with important information about your business.

Key Features of WhatsApp Business for Customer Service

  1. Quick Replies
Quick Replies are pre-written messages you can use to answer common questions fast. For example, if customers often ask about your opening hours, you can create a Quick Reply with this information. To use it, you just type a shortcut (like “/hours”), and the full message appears.
  1. Away Messages
When you’re not available to answer messages, you can set up Away Messages. These automatically reply to customers, letting them know when you’ll be back or providing other helpful information.
  1. Greeting Messages
Greeting Messages are sent automatically when a customer messages you for the first time or after 14 days of no activity. You can use these to welcome customers and provide basic information.
  1. Labels
Labels help you organize your chats. You can create labels like “New Customer,” “Order Placed,” or “Complaint” to keep track of different conversations easily.
  1. Catalogues
If you sell products, you can create a catalogue to showcase them. Customers can browse your items directly in the app.

How to Use WhatsApp Business for Customer Service

  1. Set Up Your Profile
Start by creating a business profile. Add your:
  • Business name
  • Address
  • Description
  • Website
  • Business hours
This information helps customers learn about your business quickly.
  1. Use Quick Replies Effectively
Identify common questions your customers ask. Create Quick Replies for these to save time. Remember to keep your responses friendly and helpful.
  1. Set Up Away Messages
Create an Away Message that tells customers when you’ll be back. You might say something like: “Thanks for your message. We’re currently closed but will reply when we open at 9 AM tomorrow.”
  1. Create a Welcoming Greeting Message
Your Greeting Message is the first thing new customers see. Make it warm and informative. For example: “Welcome to [Your Business Name]! We’re happy to help you. How can we assist you today?”
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  1. Organize with Labels
Use Labels to sort your conversations. This helps you prioritize urgent issues and keep track of different types of customer interactions.
  1. Respond Quickly
Try to answer messages as soon as possible. If you can’t solve an issue immediately, let the customer know you’re working on it.
  1. Use Multimedia When Helpful
Sometimes, a picture or video can explain things better than words. Don’t hesitate to use these when they can help solve a customer’s problem.
  1. Be Personal
Use the customer’s name and try to add a personal touch to your messages. This helps build a connection with your customers.
  1. Follow Up
After resolving an issue, follow up with the customer to make sure they’re satisfied. This shows you care about their experience.
  1. Collect Feedback
Ask customers for feedback on your service. This can help you improve and show customers that their opinions matter.

Best Practices for WhatsApp Business Customer Service

  1. Respond Promptly: Aim to reply within a few hours, if not sooner.
  2. Be Professional: Even though WhatsApp feels casual, remember to keep your tone professional.
  3. Respect Privacy: Don’t share customer information or use it for purposes they haven’t agreed to.
  4. Train Your Team: If multiple people use the app, make sure they all understand how to use it properly.
  5. Use Business Hours: Set clear business hours and stick to them to manage customer expectations.
  6. Keep Records: Save important conversations for future reference.
  7. Integrate with Other Tools: If possible, connect WhatsApp Business with your other customer service tools for a unified approach.

Challenges of Using WhatsApp Business for Customer Service

While WhatsApp Business is great for customer service, it has some limitations:
  1. It’s designed for small to medium businesses, so large companies might find it lacking some advanced features.
  2. You can only use it on one device at a time, which can be challenging for teams.
  3. It might not integrate easily with all customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

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Final Thoughts

WhatsApp Business is a great tool for providing excellent customer service. It’s easy to use, free and offers features that can help you communicate effectively with your customers. By setting up your profile, using Quick Replies and Labels, responding promptly, and following best practices, you can use WhatsApp Business to improve your customer service and build stronger relationships with your customers. Give it a try and see how it can benefit your business!
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This article was first published on 10th July 2024


Chidiogo Shalom Akaelu holds a degree in English and Literary Studies, from the University of Nigeria. She is a freelance writer, editor and founder of Loana Press, a budding online publishing outlet.

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