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Having a world where there is an equal playing round for all, mindless of gender, background, race, status or even financial capacity is not a bad idea. It is a pity that presently we see cases of rape globally with offenders in some cases going unpunished, racism in both developed and underdeveloped countries, abuse of human rights by the government of some countries, the inability of one to hit certain heights because of his/her social background, status or financial well being, and lots more. These incidences demand urgent attention as we cannot make the world a better place and preserve it for generations unborn without ensuring the social life of everyone is protected, and creating a world where we are all free to pursue our dreams and goals without limit. Hence, the declaration of the World Day of Social Justice.

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World Day of Social Justice

The World Day of Social Justice is an international day aimed at recognizing the need to promote and create awareness about social justice, inclusive of efforts towards tackling pressing issues such as poverty, gender equality, exclusion, unemployment, social protections and human rights. Numerous governmental and non-governmental organisations and agencies such as the United Nations, the International Labour Organisation, American Library Association, and others, educate the world on the need for social justice for all. Plans towards tackling social inequality globally are equally presented by most of these organizations and agencies.

Usually accompanied with a theme, the decision of February 20, as the date for annual international observance or celebration of World Day of Social Justice was met on November 26, 2007, after the UN General Assembly declared that from its sixty-third session, the Day will be celebrated annually. On June 10, 2008, the International Labour Organisation unanimously adopted the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization. The 2008 Declaration was an expression of the contemporary vision of the International Labour Organization’s mandate in this globalization era. With approval from the United Nations General Assembly, the first celebration of the World Day of Social Justice was observed on February 20, 2009. The Day is focused on ensuring fair outcomes for all, especially as regards social protection, employment, fundamental principles and rights, and social dialogue.

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World Day of Social Justice 2020: Closing the Inequality Gap to Achieve Social Justice

Celebrations this year is accompanied with the theme ‘’Closing the Inequality Gap to Achieve Social Justice,’’ and is geared towards addressing social gaps in the society that serve as hindrance to achieving set goals and objectives. For instance, one in five workers globally, live in moderate or extreme poverty, disparities caused by geographical factors still impede man’s access to decent work. A lot of workers face stagnant wages, cases of gender inequality are still prevalent, and citizens of many countries do not still benefit equally from economic growth. Social inequalities between and among countries weakens social cohesion, hinder people from achieving their full potentials and serve as burden to economies. The UN is promoting campaigns aimed at reducing inequalities throughout the world.




Featured Image Source: Peace-ed-campaign

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This article was first published on 20th February 2020


I am a Lion, I love to hit heights that seem impossible so I can motivate others and prove doubters wrong. For me, impossible is nothing. I'm open to learning and I love to read, travel and meet new faces.

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