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Are you all set for the Harmattan season? It’s getting colder and dustier by the minute as the bitter-sweet Harmattan winds invade our towns, blowing from the Sahara Desert over the West African subcontinent. Due to its high dust content, the Harmattan season can affect your skin and respiratory system if care isn’t taken. Here are some key protection measures to help you stay healthy during the season: 1. Vaseline is your best friend this season. Carry around a small tub in your purse, work bag or car for a quick moisturising fix on your hands and lips. 2. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water regularly. Research shows that the average adult male should take in an average of 15 cups of water per day (3.7 litres), and the average adult female, 11 cups (2.7 litres). 3. Take warm baths at night, using antiseptic solutions in your water, particularly if you’re out and about during the day. This helps to wash off layers of dust on your skin before you sleep. 4. Wash your hands as often as possible with a moisturising and cleansing hand wash. This prevents you from using dusty hands in your daily activities, and keeps them regularly hydrated. 5. Wear layers of clothing to protect yourself from the cold wind, particularly if you live in the country’s Northern areas. 6. As much as possible, keep windows at home or in your office space closed, using air conditioning or fan systems instead. 7. Keep cooked and uncooked foodstuff covered at all times. Did we leave out anything? Let us know in the comments section below.    

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This article was first published on 14th December 2015


Ify Halim is a Writer and media enthusiast based in Lagos. She enjoys writing self-help/inspirational articles with published work in UYD Magazine, Edufrica, Our Stories Inc. and The Keele Concourse. She currently works at, Nigeria’s Information Portal. Follow her on Twitter @MissHalim or visit her online space at

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