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The importance of packing light cannot be overemphasized; of all the travel skills you might acquire, travelling light is the one most likely to result in enjoyable, productive, stress-free travel experiences. There is really little you need when you travel. Packing light has always been a savvy travel tip, because hauling less weight means greater comfort and freedom as you travel. The main aim is to pack as lightly as possible and to keep all itineraries loose and light. Trip enjoyment is inversely proportionate to the amount of luggage you bring with you. Simplify your travel; focus on the art and science of travelling light, for business or leisure, with no more than a single carry-on-sized bag. There’s no question: over- packing tops the list of biggest travel mistakes.   WHY TRAVEL LIGHT? There are many benefits that come with traveling light. These benefits can be wrapped around the three C’s: Cost: You can avoid baggage fees. You don’t have to pay porters and others to carry and store stuff for you. You are less likely to lose them to theft, damage, or mis-routing. You are more able to take cheaper public transportation, rather than (often scam-prone) taxis. You can even walk, all of which also bring you into more intimate contact with the people and places that you have come to visit, creating more room to explore. Comfort: Less stuff means greater mobility, thus more navigational choices. You can better cope with delayed transportation, missed connections, and unexpected opportunities. You can switch to earlier departure when space is available.You can be more spontaneous. Convenience: It’s easier to secure your stuff and explore without difficulty. You can board a taxi, bus, Ferry or plane with swiftness. Ultimately, you can enjoy an unfettered freedom that is forever denied to those who remain chained to their luggage. You will be exposed to the luxury of options, you won’t feel compelled to take the first hotel or motel room offered: you can comfortably survey the metropolis or town should the ambience be unsuitable or the price unreasonable. Finding a good list of tips for traveling light is the key to a smooth travel experience. NOTE: Never buy what you can rent or borrow.   TIPS ON HOW TO TRAVEL LIGHT For pockets (passport and wallets) Keep it simple, you don’t have to carry so much along with you; especially metallic objects for security purpose. You won’t have to dig into your pockets every time you go through security check points. Sitting will be a lot more comfortable as well.  Clothing Pack just a few clothes with only a couple complimentary, solid colors no patterns. Black is a good idea if you need to be able to dress up and be casual. Plan clothing in layers, based on your destination’s climate. Neutral and dark colors hide stains and wrinkles best. Avoid cotton clothing that weighs more and is harder to dry. Pack lightweight synthetic clothing, they wrinkle less, dry quicker and regulate your body temperature better than cotton. Pack more tops than bottoms. Electronics A portable laptop might be a daily necessity for you, but on occasions like this you can get a smaller portable device like a cell phone or tablet. Consider a camera with a small media-storage device for transferring, storing and backing up your photos.  Footwear Avoid bringing old shoes that might break down during your trip; think versatility. Avoid shoes with excessive heels or shoes with high soles. Consider a low kick or running shoes (running shoes can work for running, walking), since they’re lighter and less bulky. Toiletries (Purchase when you arrive) Most toiletries can be found easily at your travel destination.  TSA (Transportation Safety Administration) guidelines governing liquids in carry-on luggage usually prohibit some toiletries. With that in mind, it’s often a good idea to wait until you get to your destination to pick up toiletries. If you have the option of staying at a hotel, check beforehand to see if they supply items such as shampoo, conditioner, lotion, razors, etc.  Simplify your wardrobe (Pack only what you can carry) Less outfits means less stuff that needs to go into your bag. Consider packing layered clothes, like jackets or sweaters that you can wear more than once over lighter t-shirts. Put everything you want to bring in a pile and slowly strip away things that aren’t necessary. Don’t travel with old clothes; buy new clothing along the way at a more affordable price. Leave jewelry and valuables at home; it’s less to worry about.  Bags and boxes Good quality luggage comes in handy here; get a good, medium-sized suitcase on rollers and see how much easier it is to pull your luggage instead of carrying it around. There are other alternative packing strategies. If you want to go completely light, it is possible to pack your bag, cargo it and pick it up when you reach your destination. While this approach reduces your luggage hassles, it is not advisable/ recommended for international travel in particular due to the substantial duties and fees involved. Note: When buying any bag, consider the weight of the bag itself. It pays to travel light.  

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This article was first published on 8th April 2013 and updated on July 22nd, 2013 at 10:19 pm

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