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  Ever feel like your energy levels drop in the middle of the day, and you’re left struggling to focus or stay active? You’re not alone! What you eat has a huge impact on how you feel throughout the day. The good news is, that with the right meals, you can boost your energy naturally and keep going strong. Let’s talk about some simple meals that can help power you up.
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  1. Oatmeal with Fruits and Nuts

Oatmeal is a fantastic energy booster. It’s full of fibre, which helps keep your energy steady all morning long. The best part? You can make it fun by adding fruits like bananas, berries, or apples. Top it off with a handful of nuts for that extra crunch and energy boost. Try this: Next time you have oatmeal, slice up some bananas and sprinkle some almonds on top. It’s a simple, delicious meal that gives you long-lasting energy.
  1. Eggs and Whole-Grain Toast

Fitness Blender
Eggs are rich in protein, and protein gives you energy that lasts. Pair your eggs with whole-grain toast, which has complex carbs that release energy slowly, helping you avoid that tired feeling after eating. Let’s do this: For breakfast tomorrow, scramble two eggs and serve them with a slice of whole-grain toast. Add some avocado if you have it – it’s full of healthy fats that keep your energy up.
  1. Greek Yogurt with Honey and Berries

The Kitchn
Greek yoghurt is packed with protein, which keeps you feeling full and energized for longer. Adding some berries like strawberries or blueberries gives you a hit of vitamins and antioxidants, while a drizzle of honey adds natural sweetness and an extra energy boost. Give this a try: In the afternoon, when you’re feeling low, grab some Greek yoghurt, mix in a handful of berries, and add a teaspoon of honey. It’s a light, refreshing snack that wakes you up.
  1. Brown Rice and Grilled Chicken

Cascina Cavallina
For lunch or dinner, brown rice and grilled chicken are a perfect combo. Brown rice is a complex carb, which means it gives you energy slowly without a crash. Grilled chicken, on the other hand, is full of protein and keeps you going for hours. Simple recipe: Cook some brown rice, and grill a chicken breast with a little olive oil and seasoning. Serve with veggies like spinach or carrots for extra nutrients.
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  1. Avocado and Tuna Salad

Avocados are amazing for energy because they’re full of healthy fats that help your body stay fueled. Tuna is also packed with protein and omega-3s, which are great for brain function and energy levels. Here’s what to do: Mix some tuna with avocado, a little lemon juice, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Serve it on whole-grain bread or eat it as a salad. It’s quick, easy, and fills you with energy.
  1. Smoothies with Spinach, Banana, and Almond Milk

Jar of Lemons
If you need something fast and refreshing, smoothies are your friend. Spinach is a secret energy booster – it’s full of iron, which helps carry oxygen to your muscles and brain, keeping you alert. Bananas add natural sugars, and almond milk is a light, healthy alternative to dairy. Try this combo: Blend a handful of spinach, one banana, and a cup of almond milk. You can add a spoonful of peanut butter for extra protein. It’s perfect for breakfast or as a midday snack.
  1. Sweet Potatoes with Beans

Plant Based RD
Sweet potatoes are rich in fibre and complex carbs, so they give you lasting energy. Pair them with beans, which are loaded with protein, and you’ve got a meal that keeps you full and energized for hours. Cook this up: Bake a sweet potato and serve it with black beans or kidney beans. You can add some salsa or a little cheese on top for flavour. It’s a satisfying, energy-boosting meal.
  1. Trail Mix with Nuts, Seeds, and Dark Chocolate

To Taste
Need something to snack on during the day? The trail mix is perfect. Nuts like almonds and cashews give you healthy fats and protein, while seeds like pumpkin seeds are packed with energy-boosting nutrients. A little dark chocolate adds a sweet touch and contains antioxidants that help fight fatigue. Make your mix: Combine a handful of almonds, pumpkin seeds, and a few pieces of dark chocolate. Keep it in a small container and snack on it when you need a quick pick-me-up.
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Final Thoughts

Eating the right meals can help you boost your energy levels throughout the day. Whether it’s a hearty breakfast like oatmeal, a balanced lunch like brown rice and chicken, or a refreshing snack like Greek yoghurt with berries, the key is to focus on meals that give you long-lasting energy. Now, go ahead and try one of these energy-boosting meals tomorrow. Pay attention to how you feel – you might notice you’re more energized and ready to tackle the day!
Featured Image Source: Kristine’s Kitchen
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This article was first published on 31st August 2024


Chidiogo Shalom Akaelu holds a degree in English and Literary Studies, from the University of Nigeria. She is a freelance writer, editor and founder of Loana Press, a budding online publishing outlet.

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