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r2l What is the richest place on earth? This place of endless riches is not in the Middle East; where there’s rich black gold buried deep beneath the Earth’s surface— nor is this place in South Africa where there is a plethora of diamond mines. The wealthiest place in the world is a cemetery. Now one would ask, “For what justifiable reason is the wealthiest place in the world a cemetery?” Simply put, in a cemetery, you fill find that there are books that were never written. There are songs that were never sung. There are ideas that were never acted upon—dreams that were long forgotten. If one were to die today, then what ideas and what aspirations would die with him or her? And the immediate contingencies that relied on the survival of such a reverie would eventually perish with the evanescing dream. – Dr. Myles Munroe We all have dreams. We all aspire for greatness. And this is what binds us all together. In every man lies that burning desire for greatness and contribution. However, all men do not enjoy equal privileges and opportunities. Project R2L is a non-profit organisation that helps individuals realise their dreams, despite their limitations and backgrounds.  They organise several programmes every year, aimed at empowering and improving the lives of the less privileged. r2l adult beneficiaries Their programmes include:
  • Simple Hugs: an initiative dedicated to delivering exceptional help to the motherless in the society. Since its inception in 2010, R2L has been putting smiles on people’s faces by providing them with free trainings, seminars, and also raising funds from individuals, corporate bodies etc. to equip and present beneficiaries with the different elements that lead to a fulfilled destiny.
r2l kid beneficiaries
  • How to Fish: the organisation teaches individuals how to create wealth from fish business.
r2l training
  • Raising Heroes: a programme targeted at secondary school students, and born out of the need to educate and empower teenagers on basic IT skills.
r2l certificates The R2L mission is to help people discover their God given purpose, maximize, and utilize their talents and also to present the different elements that lead to a fulfilled destiny. To contact Project R2L; email or call +234 813 268 2766, +234 806 269 5111, or +234 806 225 8896.  

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This article was first published on 28th March 2013


Chojare Pamela Agboga is a Legal Practitioner, Writer, Editor, Chartered Secretary and Administrator. She is currently working on her first novel 'Weekends are for Loving' as well as a devotional for women.

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