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Lately, the altering of Google’s search rankings in favour of mobile friendly devices has been buzzing across news and social media platforms. The development has been dubbed “Mobilegeddon” and has led to a significant shift in the rankings of some of our favourite websites. Google used data from Searchmetrics results to perform its latest ranking action. The platform simply computed traffic of a group of keywords – each having its own individual value – and the site’s ranking for those keywords. The added up values were then used to compare sites on a weekly basis. It was mentioned during the recent Mobile West Africa Conference that approximately 70% of internet users in Nigeria access the web via their mobile phones. With this in mind, it is important that businesses – that are interested in having a great online presence – ensure that their websites are mobile friendly and rank well. Don’t get left behind. Make sure your website’s mobile version is fully functional and easy to use. If you’re not a techie and will need professional help to get this done, get in touch with NextDaySite. Call 0700-000 1111 or 013424200.       About the Writer: Dora George is a Lagos-based writer who likes to learn new things every day. She is also an avid reader and food lover.  

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This article was first published on 28th April 2015

Comments (3)

3 thoughts on “#TechTuesday: To Rank High on Google, Your Website Must be Mobile Friendly”

  • This mobile friendly requirment by google is really important, but does this mean we have to switch to a more mobile template

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