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  It is so pitiful when you have to throw out expensive shoes you bought with hard-earned money. Shoes spoil before their time as a result of carelessness and neglect. If you keep them safe and in good condition they will last longer be useful when you need them. The most common misconceptions people have when it comes to the care of shoes is that you have to leave them be. No, the best way to take care of shoes is not to abandon them in the same position for a long time. Routine checkups should be made to ensure that they are still sitting pretty since the last time you saw them. The following tips can help you in maintaining your shoes for a longer period of time:   dusting your shoes Routine dusting: Allowing shoes to sit in the same place for a long period of time without dusting them will no doubt shorten the longevity of the shoes. To preserve your shoes, you need to dust them routinely at least once a week to keep them in good condition and discourage germs carried in dust from settling on them.   air your shoes Air them: Keeping shoes under hot and air-tight conditions will do them no good, rather it will spoil them and make them peel off as soon as possible. Avoid putting your shoes in places without air as the environment can spoil your shoes faster than you thought. Once in a while, take them out and dry them in open space so as allow them ‘breathe’. polish shoes Polish them: If you think your shoes will keep shining at all times without polish, how wrong you are. Shoes need to be polished to preserve their quality and appearance, and to protect them from harsh environment conditions. wet shoes Keep away from moisture: Your shoes also need to be protected from moisture if you want them to last long. A damp environment will breed germs which can choose your shoes as a good environment to live and reproduce. paper in shoes shoe-trees Keep your shoes in shape: To keep your shoes from losing its shape, the toe boxes especially, use a pair of shoe trees or stuff them with old newspapers after airing. Also, avoid placing loads on shoes, this will not only keep them in shape but also keep them free from scratches.  

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This article was first published on 8th August 2016


Opoola Jelifat is a young and passionate writer. She holds a B.Sc degree in Microbiology and enjoys reading, cooking and writing on real life issues. She is currently pursuing a Masters degree at the University of Ibadan. Contact her on, and via Twitter and facebook by clicking the icons below.

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