Archives Tag: selling


Business Growth Tip: Sell More than Just Products

April 19, 2022

There’s a lot going on when a customer opts to buy your product. On the surface, it looks like they’re just picking up something from your rack and handing you cash in return. But as every smart entrepreneur and skilled salesperson knows, this isn’t the full story. We’re getting at the fact that your clients … Continue reading Business Growth Tip: Sell More than Just Products

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Business Growth Tip: Upsell Your Products to Grow Revenue

April 19, 2022

Remember the last time a vendor offered you a more expensive alternative to something you wanted to buy? They probably told you it came with more benefits than your original choice, and that it wouldn’t hurt to spend just a little more money to get a much better product. This is actually a well-known sales … Continue reading Business Growth Tip: Upsell Your Products to Grow Revenue

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3 Sales Boosting Secrets for Your Small Business

April 19, 2022

Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between a small business that consistently yields profits, and one that barely breaks even? Buying and selling is one of my favorite side hustles and it not only brings me extra income, it opens my eyes daily to simple yet overlooked small business basics. Once I started … Continue reading 3 Sales Boosting Secrets for Your Small Business

By jehonwa

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The 25 Unbreakable Laws of Sales (9): The More you Ask and Listen, the More you Sell

April 19, 2022

If you are not moving closer to what you want in sales [or in life], you probably aren’t doing enough asking. – Jack Canfield Asking Is Selling A story was told about an outrageous insurance policy purchase by Henry Ford. The story got the attention of a close friend of Mr. Ford who was noticeably … Continue reading The 25 Unbreakable Laws of Sales (9): The More you Ask and Listen, the More you Sell

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Laws of Sales

The 25 Unbreakable Laws of Sales (7): Selling is Like Art of Fishing. You Need the Line, the Hook and the Bait

April 19, 2022

If you aren’t going all the way, why go at all. –  Joe Namath Everything Has a Price Tag! There is a price for everything. Even the item that is classified as priceless still has a selling price. Its selling price is ‘Priceless!’ Every prospect has a price. Each prospective customer has something that will … Continue reading The 25 Unbreakable Laws of Sales (7): Selling is Like Art of Fishing. You Need the Line, the Hook and the Bait

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The 25 Unbreakable Laws of Sales (6): Trust is the Major Determinant

April 19, 2022

  To be trusted is greater compliments than being loved. – George MacDonald TRUST SUSTAINS RELATIONSHIPS What do you think is the main factor that sustains a relationship? What do you think encourages Friends, Spouses, Businesses and Nations to stay happily together? Why would people confide in few persons when it comes to issues of … Continue reading The 25 Unbreakable Laws of Sales (6): Trust is the Major Determinant

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9 Things You Need to Know Before You Start a Bead Business

April 19, 2022

The decision to start a business is a tough one; knowing how to start is tougher. However, with the required skills and the right information, you can be equipped to become a successful entrepreneur. If you have the needed skills in beaded jewellery making and are interested in either making it a full time job or … Continue reading 9 Things You Need to Know Before You Start a Bead Business

By ejura

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Buying And Selling Online Made Easy For Nigerians with KAYMU!

April 19, 2022

By Tito Philips, Jnr. Thanks to Kaymu many Nigerians can now buy and sell easily online. The new eCommerce website is Nigeria’s #1 Online Marketplace that offer sellers the opportunity to own a shop online where they can sell more of their items to the growing numbers of Nigerians online, currently over 60 million and … Continue reading Buying And Selling Online Made Easy For Nigerians with KAYMU!

By pagboga

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