Archives Tag: Life Lessons

Personal Development

10 Life Lessons I Learned in 2023: What You Could Learn Too

April 19, 2022

  2023 wasn’t a year I expected. It was a rollercoaster of unexpected moments, both joyous and challenging. But through it all, I gleaned some invaluable lessons that have profoundly reshaped my perspective and approach to life. In this article, I will be sharing 10 life lessons with you, hoping they’ll spark your own reflections … Continue reading 10 Life Lessons I Learned in 2023: What You Could Learn Too

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Entertainment Personal Development

Life Lessons: The View From Two (2) Different Lenses

April 19, 2022

The story of Raymond “Hushpuppi” Abbas and gang and the story of the Ikorodu Bois typifies life, especially in Nigeria. This month, two (2) groups of young Nigerian men made the news. Read more about Persona Development One group for making nothing out of something. Another for making something out of nothing. Both groups are … Continue reading Life Lessons: The View From Two (2) Different Lenses

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Inspirational Personal Development Self Development

Life Lessons I Learnt While Playing Hearts

April 19, 2022

‎I haven’t played Hearts in many years, but back when I had a computer with the game on it, it was one of my favourite pastimes. I played it so much and recorded so many wins and losses that as usual, I began to glean life lessons from it.‎ Here are a few of those … Continue reading Life Lessons I Learnt While Playing Hearts

By jehonwa

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How To Dribble Your Ball

April 19, 2022

I am not a fan of sporting activities but one thing I enjoy watching on the field is the dribbling technique. You just have to learn the basics of both football and basketball dribbling. That is what is also expected of you in life. There are prerequisites you are required to have in life before you can … Continue reading How To Dribble Your Ball

By adepeju

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Discover Your Purpose in 5 Minutes

April 19, 2022

Research shows that there are over 158,000 books on self discovery published every year around the world. This proves that the importance of finding our sole purpose in life – that thing we’re born to do and will excel at – is paramount to every individual and we spend a considerable amount of time looking … Continue reading Discover Your Purpose in 5 Minutes

By ejura

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BUSINESS CAREER Opinion Relationships

Pay Attention to Your Feedback

April 19, 2022

As a Nigerian, I have come to realise that one of the things we, as a people, are often afraid of is people’s criticisms/negative feedback. No one likes to be criticised so we tend to develop strong resistance to it. Criticism often triggers strong emotions in us all. We tend to get bitter, angry or try … Continue reading Pay Attention to Your Feedback

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Opinion Religion

Life Lessons: Don’t Jump Out of That Boat

April 19, 2022

Life is in times and seasons. There is a time to plant and there is a time to harvest. There is also a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them back. In Ecclesiastes 3, you’ll find the different seasons of life but one thing that strikes me in that portion of Scripture is … Continue reading Life Lessons: Don’t Jump Out of That Boat

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10 Surefire Ways to Raise the Standard of Your Life

April 19, 2022

As we set out to work every day, we all have the choice to either do just what is required of us or strive to do much more. We can choose to mark the time and treat our jobs like a prison sentence or we can bring more creativity, energy and passion to it. Raising the … Continue reading 10 Surefire Ways to Raise the Standard of Your Life

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BUSINESS Entertainment FAMILY Tip of the Day

10 Assets With Better Value Than Money

April 19, 2022

A famous American writer once considered the value of money and came to this conclusion: “Money often costs too much.” This is because so many of us in the search for more fame and power which may or may not include getting lots of money, lose so many things which are of great value that … Continue reading 10 Assets With Better Value Than Money

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Creative Industry Discover Nigeria Events Opinion Relationships

What Are Your Values?

April 19, 2022

Living by a value system may seem old-fashioned these days. This is because change is a constant concept and most people find it easy to embrace freedom that is unrestrained and flexible. Meaning that with them, anything is possible as long as it is what they want at that point in time – which is … Continue reading What Are Your Values?

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Life Lessons from the Game of Soccer Part 2

April 19, 2022

By Arinze Ude Conclusion of Life Lessons from the Game of Soccer. For the first part, click here 16. Underrated people find life easy. They surprise everyone when they do well but overrated people are always under intense pressure and are often criticised for every wrong move they make. Google Freddy Adu. 17. Listening to … Continue reading Life Lessons from the Game of Soccer Part 2

By pagboga

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Life Lessons from the Game of Soccer

April 19, 2022

By Arinze Ude Soccer or football is the most popular sport, played and watched by millions of people worldwide. It is more than a game because it teaches us a lot about life, so let’s take a look at some of the lessons we can learn from following the game:   1. People don’t remember … Continue reading Life Lessons from the Game of Soccer

By pagboga

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