Archives Tag: Evaluation

Personal Development

Midyear Review: What It Is and Why You Need One

April 19, 2022

  If you are a football fan or someone who knows about football, you will be conversant with the idea of half-time during matches. Half-times are given for teams to rest and re-strategize for better effectiveness and results. With the year now halved, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the goals you set at … Continue reading Midyear Review: What It Is and Why You Need One

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BUSINESS Opportunities

5 Factors to Use When Evaluating a Business Opportunity

April 19, 2022

Each day as business leaders, we are faced with opportunities. And deciding if they are good for our businesses is where the major challenge lie. Whether you are starting a new business or you’re seeking to expand your business to new areas, the question that should be topmost in your mind is if there are … Continue reading 5 Factors to Use When Evaluating a Business Opportunity

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Three Questions to Ask When You’re Bored in Your Marriage

April 19, 2022

As annoying as this truth is, being with one person forever will get boring at some point. At several points, in fact. The excitement you experienced when your love was brand new and you couldn’t get enough of each other, will not sustain itself. Nobody remains on that high forever, unless they fan the flame. … Continue reading Three Questions to Ask When You’re Bored in Your Marriage

By jehonwa

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Video Of The Week: Best Business Ideas For 2018

April 19, 2022

The question of what business to do and whether it will be profitable is what plagues many would-be-entrepreneurs today. However, this doesn’t have to be the case given the fact that there are a variety of business options one can choose from. In fact, the process of starting a business can actually be simple, provided … Continue reading Video Of The Week: Best Business Ideas For 2018

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