Archives Tag: Easter Celebrations


Virtual Easter Celebrations: Connecting with Loved Ones Who Are Far Away

April 19, 2022

  As Easter approaches, many families find themselves separated from their loved ones due to distance or other circumstances. However, with the power of technology, it’s easier than ever to bridge the gap and celebrate Easter together, even when miles apart. In this article, I’ll share some creative ways to connect with distant loved ones … Continue reading Virtual Easter Celebrations: Connecting with Loved Ones Who Are Far Away

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Relaxing Coronavirus Lockdown For Easter By States Could Be Detrimental

April 19, 2022

Nigerians are beginning to get jittery about the lockdown order which the Federal Government imposed on three states – Lagos, Ogun and F.C.T – to prevent further spread of the Coronavirus disease. Other states which have partially imposed a lockdown have also been feeling the weight of what a shutdown could mean for their economic … Continue reading Relaxing Coronavirus Lockdown For Easter By States Could Be Detrimental

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What does Easter Mean To You?

April 19, 2022

Many families will be gathering this weekend to celebrate Easter. Like every other holiday, Easter is a time to get away from the struggles of everyday life to enjoy a few pleasures with family. However, there is a lot more to Easter than just meeting together to enjoy a series of delicious home meals. History … Continue reading What does Easter Mean To You?

By achem

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Top 5 Places to Visit this Easter

April 19, 2022

One thing Easter comes with is enough time to take on certain adventures that a weekend simply won’t be enough for. It may not be as long as your annual leave, but it is long enough to go on an adventure. Below are the five top places to visit this Easter.  Kajuru Castle The thought of … Continue reading Top 5 Places to Visit this Easter

By ann

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7 Meals to Enjoy this Easter

April 19, 2022

We love holidays. Any excuse to stay home and enjoy is welcome. Well, Easter is here again, at least, it will be here in a few days. As we make plans to celebrate this season of sacrifice by inviting friends and family to wine and dine with us, here are a few meals that will … Continue reading 7 Meals to Enjoy this Easter

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Three Ways To Unwind This Easter

April 19, 2022

Easter celebrations start from Good Friday and extend all the way to Easter Monday. That is a whole five days of free relaxation, travel, and reunions. It is the perfect time to plan tourist activities with friends and family. Here are three ways you can unwind this festive season: Attend an Event Many Christian establishments will … Continue reading Three Ways To Unwind This Easter

By ann

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Social Media

Social Media Accounts To Follow: 5 Travel Agencies To Follow In Anticipation Of The Easter Break

April 19, 2022

Easter is just around the corner once again and you may probably have some exciting destinations you want to visit. In case you are in search of a travel agency where you can book your travels or you are still weighing your options, here is a list of travel agencies in Nigeria that provide the … Continue reading Social Media Accounts To Follow: 5 Travel Agencies To Follow In Anticipation Of The Easter Break

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