Archives Tag: digital


Understanding The Need For Digital Marketing

April 19, 2022

  If you followed our journey this past week, you’d realize that businesses always put their customers first, because the customer keeps the company. This is why many companies in the past would spend thousands of dollars in maintaining customer relationships, because they would want the product to remain ever fresh in the minds of … Continue reading Understanding The Need For Digital Marketing

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How Innovative Nigerian Companies Can Avert External Threats with A Visitor Management Solution

April 19, 2022

  Signing a piece of paper usually kept at the front desk or gate post is the old-fashioned method of visitor management. It is unsophisticated, inaccurate, and exposes physical security and data. An important step in having a secure workplace is to switch from a manual sign-in process to a digital one. Read more about … Continue reading How Innovative Nigerian Companies Can Avert External Threats with A Visitor Management Solution

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Smartplugin Launches To Help Nigerian Businesses Automate Their Processes

April 19, 2022

Smartplugin, a cloud-based solution, is launching to help businesses in Nigeria automate their current manual processes. Its digital platform will enable thousands of companies to manage their visitor records, track employees in real-time, generate detailed customer data, and keep tabs of their assets, without the paper records or physical effort often required to do these … Continue reading Smartplugin Launches To Help Nigerian Businesses Automate Their Processes

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Sales Social Media

Going Digital: Why you should Adapt Digital Marketing

April 19, 2022

Have you caught the digital train? Or are you still on the platform? The tide is fast changing, as is the ways businesses are being handled. Businesses are now implementing digital marketing as part of their growth plan. In the past, to start and grow a business required large capital, depending on the business. This … Continue reading Going Digital: Why you should Adapt Digital Marketing

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SME 101: Top Skills Every Entrepreneur Must Have

April 19, 2022

Thought Leader ‘Michael Gerber’ says that entrepreneurs need five core skills: Concentration, Discrimination, Organisation, Innovation and Communication. I agree, but I believe there are some other skills the Nigerian entrepreneur must master to make it in our milieu. Writing from the perspective of a local business run with global best practices, I will chunk the … Continue reading SME 101: Top Skills Every Entrepreneur Must Have

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Did You Know? 14 Cool Technology Facts

April 19, 2022

The evolution of the human race goes pari-passu with the evolution of technology. Literally every year, the tech space is bombarded with new cool and innovative products and ideas. To keep up with the relentless march of technology, here are some quick cool facts to know: The number of emails sent per day in 2017 … Continue reading Did You Know? 14 Cool Technology Facts

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AfricaCom: Connecting Africa Digital Week

April 19, 2022

The Connecting Africa Digital Week is a week set aside for all about linking people in Africa in relations to digital media. The theme of the week is: Disruptive Technology and Connectivity Accelerating the African Digital Revolution Trends and development involved in the evolving media platform would be discussed. It is about the largest online … Continue reading AfricaCom: Connecting Africa Digital Week

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Website Review

Laugh and Learn the Right Way with Smooth Cartoons Nigeria

April 19, 2022

Smooth Cartoons Nigeria is an innovative digital entertainment company with a repertoire of 2D/3D animations, cartoons and comic books for sale. What’s special about this enterprise? 1. They tell original Nigerian stories and address the common issues Nigerians face including: HIV/AIDS, greed, prostitution and corruption. 2. The creators believe in the power of the media … Continue reading Laugh and Learn the Right Way with Smooth Cartoons Nigeria

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ProtechOnline Offers Intensive Digital Marketing Training

April 19, 2022

Are you unemployed and desiring better opportunities? Are you new in the Digital Marketing business and need to fast track your digital knowledge with an intensive introductory course for a price that won’t hurt your pocket? You now have that option as ProtechOnline offers a digital acceleration intensive course that will help you rapidly increase … Continue reading ProtechOnline Offers Intensive Digital Marketing Training

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Media News TECH Telecommunication

Switchover to Digital Broadcasting in Nigeria Set for 2014 – Official

April 19, 2022

The Presidential Committee on the Transition from Analogue to Digital Broadcasting in Nigeria has announced the first half of 2014 as the period for a switchover to digital broadcasting. This disclosure was made by Edward Amana, Chairman of the Committee, also known as DigiTeam. He explained that Lagos, Port Harcourt, Abuja, and Enugu will commence … Continue reading Switchover to Digital Broadcasting in Nigeria Set for 2014 – Official

By sheyi

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