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The SMW Lagos Team is has released its SMW Lagos 2013 Report.  In preparing its report the huge impact of SMW Lagos became quite clear.  As a first time host city and the first African city to host SMW they met and surpassed numerous milestones to deliver a truly historic week.  SMW Lagos was a game changer for Lagos and the continent of Africa. A Few Key Metrics… SMW Lagos by the Numbers +110 Events +158 Speakers +334 Press Mentions +8,627 Total Registrations +19,148 Twitter Mentions +31M impressions Download SMW Lagos 2013 Report Here What’s Next? The SMW Lagos team is currently in discussions with the SMW London team to produce a day of programming at SMW London in September.  They are very excited about the opportunity to share the success in Lagos with the London community.  Furthermore, SMW London is seen as a platform to further the conversion around social media and technology in Nigeria and Africa in general. SMW Lagos will be back in February 2014.

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This article was first published on 3rd May 2013

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