
Search result for: App of the week


Three Ways to Kickstart Your Productivity in 2017!

April 19, 2022

Recently, I got to thinking about how I would like 1 January 2018 to look like. Then I worked back to what I would need to get done in 2017 to ensure I hit my target(s). This ‘beginning with the end in mind’ exercise was a great reminder that to have different outcomes in 2017, … Continue reading Three Ways to Kickstart Your Productivity in 2017!

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My Lagos Diaries Premieres on January 21st, 2017

April 19, 2022

My Lagos Diary, a 13-series documentary chronicling the experiences of indigent people fighting to survive in the city of Lagos, will be premiering in the weekend. The series captures the work of Dr. Tony Rapu, chairman of the Freedom Foundation, with people who live at the margins of society, over a ten-year period. The documentary … Continue reading My Lagos Diaries Premieres on January 21st, 2017

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Business Profiles Premium Laundry Services At Your Fingertips

April 19, 2022

Weekends are for rest and outings. They’re also for chores, including laundry. While we sometimes wish that the trouble of having to get our clothes cleaned didn’t exist, the job has to be done. makes a business out of taking the laundry burden off people’s backs. They’re an online dry cleaning agency based in … Continue reading Premium Laundry Services At Your Fingertips

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One Simple Tip for an Incredibly Fulfilling Marriage in 2017

April 19, 2022

I recently learnt that a great marriage is really not possible for lazy people. As someone who identifies as “lazy”, this understandably gave me cause for concern. As 2016 came to an end and I started laying out my goals for 2017, I wondered how I would find the energy required to move my marriage … Continue reading One Simple Tip for an Incredibly Fulfilling Marriage in 2017

By jehonwa

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5 Minutes with Anthony Livingstone, Author, Enemy of Darkness

April 19, 2022

Anthony Livingstone’s professional background is completely rooted in music. Not satisfied with the normal performance of music in a concert setting or a band setting, he began to experiment with merging other art forms together with music which gave rise to a new concept of the Christian Opera he developed and saw performed in several … Continue reading 5 Minutes with Anthony Livingstone, Author, Enemy of Darkness

By jehonwa

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Discover Nigeria

#CNHighlights: 10 Social Media Trends of the Year 2016

April 19, 2022

Year 2016 has been an eventful one, with discoveries and surprises, victories and speeches and everything in between. Nigerians can relate to these ten highlights that got trending on the internet this year. 1. THE DISCOVERY OF OLAJUMOKE ORISAGUNA In February, Olajumoke Orisaguna was the most searched name on Google and carried on lots of … Continue reading #CNHighlights: 10 Social Media Trends of the Year 2016

By nnenna

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Why is the Day After Christmas Day called Boxing Day?

April 19, 2022

I remember hearing a children’s church teacher say “Boxing Day is about unboxing your presents and putting the boxes away, not for boxing people” and thinking oh, is that why it’s called Boxing Day? While that sounds like the perfect explanation, it turns out it may not be true. There’s simply been no agreement on … Continue reading Why is the Day After Christmas Day called Boxing Day?

By jehonwa

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Why I’m Learning to Speak The Language of Quality Time

April 19, 2022

I never knew that loving my husband would be so expensive. I wish gifts would do the job, so I could just buy them, big and small. I wish physical touch could mean much to him, so I could give him more hugs and kisses and caresses than he’d know what to do with. I … Continue reading Why I’m Learning to Speak The Language of Quality Time

By jehonwa

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What You Should Remember When Pressured to Just Marry

April 19, 2022

I recently had reason to be ashamed of myself. Very ashamed, in fact. You know that place as a single woman where everyone is wondering why you’re smart and pretty and hardworking and altogether lovely, and yet you’re not married. There’s pressure from within and without. From your mum and her sisters, to your pastor … Continue reading What You Should Remember When Pressured to Just Marry

By jehonwa

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Personal Development

The Number One Reason Why I Love Mondays

April 19, 2022

If you hate your work, chances are you’ll hate Mondays. However, if you love what you do, then the fact that Monday is here again simply means that you can get back to work after a nice weekend break and make a difference as you always do! So it’s clear that “Monday blues” is a … Continue reading The Number One Reason Why I Love Mondays

By jehonwa

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Amina Oyagbola Leaves MTN

April 19, 2022

Amina Oyagbola, MTN’s Head of Human Resources, is stepping down from her position. She is reported to have put in a request to exit the company. Mrs. Oyagbola became known for frequently wearing yellow clothing in public appearances, in order to identify with the MTN brand- a practice which earned her the nickname “Y’ello lady”. … Continue reading Amina Oyagbola Leaves MTN

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Three Homemade Drinks That Can Replace Soft Drinks

April 19, 2022

It has been proven that the sugar content in carbonated drinks is quite high, yet that does not discourage the general public from consuming them day in, day out. But instead of spending money on soft drinks, we can actually make nutritious, low-sugar and easy-to-prepare homemade drinks. The following are some suggestions you can try: … Continue reading Three Homemade Drinks That Can Replace Soft Drinks

By jelifat

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5 Tips to Lose and Maintain a Healthy Weight

April 19, 2022

Losing weight is one battle I fought hard to conquer and did win, but only for a short while. I’d lost the weight, used less energy, looked and felt fabulous. Until the weight started piling up and after a year or so, I was back to square one. I was frustrated and swore to make … Continue reading 5 Tips to Lose and Maintain a Healthy Weight

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Tech for the Street: Taking Tech to Public School Students

April 19, 2022

Tech for the Street is an initiative aimed at providing public school students with ICT skills and enabling them to take advantage of current technological advancements. Students were tutored by seasoned facilitators on the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, Corel Draw, programming, graphics and web designs, mobile software development amongst many others. Tech for the … Continue reading Tech for the Street: Taking Tech to Public School Students

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Business Profiles

Business Profile: Kudimoney- Easy Credit for Emergencies

April 19, 2022

Emergencies happen. Perhaps it’s about a house rent which costs more than you initially thought, or your child’s school demanding the prompt payment of her school fees. Or maybe it’s your car breaking down when you really need it to be in perfect shape for some important trip. You have to get bills paid, but … Continue reading Business Profile: Kudimoney- Easy Credit for Emergencies

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