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Flood is a disastrous outbreak that destroys lives and properties whenever it occurs. Though this disaster may happen to damage valuable properties during and after its occurrence, there are few measures that you can take to protect yourself, your family and your home from being a victim of the menace flood causes.


There are few tips you need to consider during a flood watch or when there is a forecast that there will be one.
  • Ensure you gather your emergency supplies or items you need to meet basic needs.
  • Gather important updates by listening to radio or watching television (if it is available).
  • Do not stay in spaces such as low spots or underground that are subjected to flooding.
  • Fill your gallons, water drums and plastic bottles with clean water, so that you can have a good supply of clean water.
  • If you need to evacuate the apartment, make sure you turn off all utilities first from the main power switch.


It is important that you know what you have to do after flood, because the initial damages during are not the only risks. Here are ways to safeguard yourself, family, friends and neighbors after such an incident.
  • Listen to radio to find out if the water in your area is safe for drinking and bathing.
  • Discard any food or bottled water that may have come in contact with the contaminated water.
  • Avoid driving through flooded areas and still water, because six inches of water can cause you to lose control of your vehicle.
  • Use a hand held drier to dry the upholstery of the vehicle when cleaning your car after the event.
  • Use and drink only bottled, boiled, or treated water after the incident.

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This article was first published on 10th July 2017
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Kofoworola Omotayo is a freelance writer, a lover of tech and a literature monger. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy and a member of Nigerian Institute of Management. He enjoys approaching issues from logical and empirical perspective. His twitter handle @heir_ptahyor and Gmail: kofoworolaomotayo[@]

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