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By HairBack.
Acne Vulgaris is the most common skin disease. It is very common among teenagers, but not exclusive to them. Acne is formed when hair follicle are blocked with oil glands [sebum] on the face, chest or back. Bacteria are other factors that can cause acne. Here are a few tips you can try to prevent acne. Preventive methods:
  • Keep face clean: wash your face twice a day, and use a facial cleanser. Although some experts say dirt does not cause acne, bacteria do. Using a cleanser will also remove excess oil from the skin surface, and clear out dead cells and bacteria
  • Wash your hair before washing your face: many hair products have harsh ingredients and oil that could irritate your face. Washing your face after washing your hair will remove the ingredients that may have fallen on your face.
  • Drink lots of water: water keeps balance within your body, ensuring that excess oil produced within the body is balanced and also cleanses the body from toxins. Generally, drinking enough water will keep your skin looking healthy and fresh at all times.
  • Eat fish and vegetables: fish is a vital source of Omega 3 fat, which is excellent for preventing acne. And vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins, which is generally good for a healthy skin. Zinc can also help reduce acne, and eggs are good sources of zinc.
  • Keep sugar level low: some research suggests that anything that will increase the level of insulin in your body, will result in acne flare. So if your aim is to prevent acne from breaking out all over your face, try your best to keep your sugar intake low.
  • Touching your face: yes, this is easier said than done. But touching your face all the time can irritate the skin and cause acne.
Here are a few home treatments for acne. Treatment methods:
  • Lemon juice: wash your face with warm or hot water, or just steam your face. Then cut a lemon and rub all over your face. The lemon juice will kill the bacteria on your face, and clear out your acne.
  • Toothpaste: applying toothpaste is known for drying out pimples and acne. Good toothpaste is known to kill tooth bacteria, why not bacteria on the skin? Just rub a little toothpaste on your acne, and it will dry out the pimple.
  • Tomatoes: after washing your face with warm water, slice a tomato in half and rub all over your face.
  • Antifungal and Anti Bacterial Products: these are also very good. But be careful when choosing one; in fact consult with your dermatologist first to know which product is safe for your skin type.
HairBack is a product formulated with a special blend of herbs and proteins to cleanse and revitalize your hair. The HairBack tonic is rich in natural vitamin E, which is known for preventing hair loss and speeding hair growth. This page will provide necessary information on how to grow and maintain a healthy head of hair, for both men and women, and share other beauty and health information.

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This article was first published on 7th September 2012

Comments (1)

One thought on “Preventing And Treating Acne.”

  • Ola

    plz…any suggestions for my pimples.the face is getting bad

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