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An Artist if I were, a Portrait of you I will make Mixing colours like Native Indians Making no mistake Painting it perfect, my time I will take Like a story yet untold Strips of faint sketches mild but bold From the horizon silhouette of birds, blue Oceans Making you smile Giving you emotions Painting your hair brunette, like a Shiny water fall Your eyes your lips, I will always want you all. But remember an Artist was never I and you were never mine But I will always love you as time goes by A quiver is a place I don’t belong, knowing not my tomorrow But today I’m still a BROKEN ARROW.

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This article was first published on 25th May 2012 and updated on May 28th, 2012 at 7:56 am

Comments (2)

2 thoughts on “Poem of the Week: Broken Arrow”

  • nicee…

  • Very well written. An excellent choice of words. Sounds like a true experience. Kudos to the writer.

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